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"How in the heck do you get AOL to stop billing?"  It's simple, wait until AOL goes out of business. "Give Iraq food,  jobs, electricity, and self respect.  The rest will take care of itself!"  Congratulations to President Barack Obama! Controversial Presidents, do they really speak for their country? Ben Bernanke gets all the blame after Greenspan set the groundwork! Stock Market slips and slides as the Federal Reserve gives more misguidance. Have an issue?


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The economic stimulus package needs to put people back to work not just hand out money to banks and car companies that cut jobs and overpay their executives.  The rest of the money should be helping the home owners with lower interest rates, fix roads, improve the educational system (from the top down,) build and distribute solar cells and other energy saving businesses and create integrated circuitry right here in America, not like Intel!  It's a shame to think the world has gone Hi-Tech while American has been setting on its hands watch millions of people's jobs get unplugged.

If the economy isn't any better in two more years, why not get ride of the remaining Republicans so America can get back on its feet.  By the way, 'Buy American' sounds great, but let's start with proving we can build quality goods with qualified people!

Congratulations President Barack Obama!

I'm glad Bush is finally out of office, but everyone can stop accusing him of everything that's gone wrong, after all the congress seemed to agree with everything he has done otherwise they should have stopped him.

Let's set the facts straight shall we, banks and mortgage companies are not in trouble because of home owners!  Their demise is almost solely a result of greed and financial mismanagement.  Each time a potential home owner buys a home, the mortgage holder jacks the interest rate as high as possible so they can collect on extra interest rates and closing fees (bonuses.)  You and I never get the best interest rates or a real break in closing costs/fees, and if you have a history of slow payments, you'll be making the mortgage companies extra money by paying higher interest rate and higher closing cost (called risk,) but should be called rip off the little guy, because if the leaner was fair, why would they tack on interest along with higher payments to a person that has already shown they are struggling?  Does higher interest rates make the buy a better customer?  Of course not.    This excessive capitalism technique, adding as much as possible to the sale has finally caught up to lenders and now all the politicians are on board to make sure their largest contributors and lobbyist (working for the bank and mortgage companies) get help by asking the little guy to bail them out.  Try to get a loan when you have shown you can't manage your money, it's nearly impossible and so why are we bailing out large corporations since they have proven they can't manage their money?

Economic stimulus package makes very little sense.  Instead of pumping in a little to late, why not put a few of the unemployed back to work building roads, bridges etc?  After all, they'll be proud they are working while buying things which just adds to our tax base.  "The more you make, the more you'll spend!"  And this generates more and more tax which goes right back to the government and repays the money spent on the new roads etc.

Anyone that has taken economics should know a capitalistic country depends on spending, not cutting government cost.  After all, you can't can't generate tax if there's no money being spent.

United Postal Service USPS has a new phone number:  1.800.275.8777  USPS will no longer accept your phone calls, all local United Post Office phone numbers are now invalid.  The US Post Office has consolidated their phone services to just one automated phone number:  1.800.275.8777.  Now you can call their machine, and press more and more numbers without the aid of a real human.  Isn't it nice to know your time is worth nothing to the United Post Office?

Here is an idea which can help the US economy while putting people back to work:  Let me start by saying, over 70% of  businesses listed on the Stock Exchange depends on retail sales, and we all know what the average American does when they receive their paycheck,  SPEND!

Rather then initiate a short term economic stimulus package why not launch a national transportation improvement package along with green full alternatives which will provide jobs, create better transportation and a cleaner environment with less dependency on oil.  The immediate benefits would also include, new tax revenues (the average worker in the US only brings home 72% of their gross (before taxes) pay and the rest is tax, which would go right back to the government,) and everything the worker spends their earnings on is of course also taxed which again brings in more money to the government and cities and States will also benefit from their respective tax revenue.  And what do you think the cities and States will do with their money, that's right; SPEND IT, which will generate more jobs and tax revenue from those that get paid!  From here, the cycle just keeps going on.

One thing that has bothered me for years; why would the government stop spending?  They should be told to stop spending overseas, not in the US because through taxation they'll get 100% of their money back in just a few years, while creating new jobs and wealth in America. 

When the US economy is bad, like it is now (July 15, 2008,) you know who the government is going to ask to make sacrifices.   You!

The Primaries are finally over so the Democrats can finally go back to pretending they like each other again. 

If I've learned anything from the Primaries, it must be one of the following is true:  Either they really do hate each other and they don't really believe the others really have anything sensible to offer, or their simply liars.  If they're liars than I don't want them in office.  If they really do hate each other then I don't want any of them in office.

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Bush is finally on his way out so why doesn't he try to correct a few of his problems before he leaves office?  What's America suppose to do, just wait until we get a new President?

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What does Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain have in common?  

  1. Running for President of the United States.

  2. Out of touch with middle class America.

  3. Actually believes they are part of every organization in America.

  4. Their speech writers are from another planet.

  5. All of the above.

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10 simple step to level the playing field between America and China

1. Allow copyright infringement, like China.
2. Allow counterfeit goods, like China..
3. Allow indentured servitude, like China..
4. Allow lead in toys, like China..
5. Allow unregulated prescription drugs, like China..
6. Allow sweatshops, like China..
7. Allow Unfair trade restrictions, like China..
8. Allow little or no quality control, like China..
9. Stop making quality products, make everything cheap, like China..!
10. Self regulating pollution controls for big business and special interest groups.  Oh, we already do this.

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We need your opinion:

Iraq, how are we really doing?  Click me! 

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Presidential potentials, where have they been hiding and why don't we hear from them until it's time to vote?  Are "Do nothing congressman" really who we want in the White House?  Click me!

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History lessons that all of us should remember:

National news in America needs to get back on track and start reporting real news instead of offering news according to what coincides with their personal agenda. Even the Presidential runoffs are reported by giving specific politician more air time than others and when it comes to Iraq, almost all the news is anti Bush and anti military. 

So who really wins when it comes to how national news is reported in America?  Hint; it's not you!  Click me!
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National News: 

Between the national news and our politicians, I'm not sure which one really does a better job of buffaloing their listeners.  Each refer to their listeners as being smart enough to determine what's right and what's wrong like we each have some kind of magic crystal ball and each also refer to us as "the American people" like we all think exactly alike and wouldn't question anything they have to say as long as they refer to us as "the American people."  

I'm personally insulted when I listed to the national news about Presidential debates and whom they think did the best job especially when they give one candidate 30 minutes worth of air time and the new guys 3.  And when they talk about President Bush's policies, they are always against whatever he offers.  And no, I don't personally like the guy either, but I do believe national news should be reported as news, not their slant on things and besides; the national news decision makers are no more qualified than the President, are they?

Why is it that every President since President Kennedy has expressed their concern about the slanted viewpoints our national news?  In my opinion it's because we should be concerned.  No one can get anywhere in politics unless you have the news behind you,  and to me; that's simply not the news, that a monopoly on communications. 

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Joe Biden for President, just tell me why not?

Which candidate has more experience and could actually offer a bipartisan government while having the balls to get the job done as President.  If you're answer was anyone other than  Joe Biden then you must not be listening to the debates.

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Who is this famous person:

Did you know that 47 countries have re-established  their embassies in Iraq?

Did you know that the Iraqi government currently employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364  schools are under rehabilitation, 263 new schools are now under construction and 38 new
schools have been completed in Iraq ?

Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities,  46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating?

Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in January 2005 for the re-established Fulbright program?

 Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?
 They have 5 -100-foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.

Did you know that Iraq 's Air Force consists of three operational squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?

 Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion?

 Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers?

 Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers every 8 weeks?

 Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in  Iraq ?  They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations,
 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities.

 Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?

 Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October?

 Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq and phone use has gone up 158%?

 Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

 Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a
televised debate recently?




Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flag burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at the presidential motorcades.

 Tragically, the lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes:

 It is intended to undermine the world's perception of the United States thus minimizing consequent support, and it is intended to discourage American citizens .

 Above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web site..

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Another sign of why everyone hates President Bush.  On NPR today President Bush was reported as saying he would veto more bill if  congress doesn't follow his guidelines.  The "decision maker" just has to make sure he pisses everyone off before he leaves office.  Does egotistical, self-centered hypocrite remind you of anyone? 11/09/2007


Why we need to stop outsourcing:  With China becoming known as the world's largest producer of inferior, cheap products and Indian as a good place to go if you don't care about customer retention and/or  loyalty, this gives America an opportunity to take back what was once theirs: American Pride:  take pride in our work, be thorough, honest, fair, and speak good English!  10/03/2007


If most every country in the world hates the USA because of our medalling, financing opposition parties, and our constant demands for democratic and capitalistic changes, why don't we mind our own business? 


Alberto Gonzales steps down - yet another bull headed, Bush appointed, arrogant, self-serving leader bits the dust.  Will President Bush be the last arrogant leader standing in the US or are we getting ready for the next wave of power-hungry leaders? 08/27/2007


If President Bush's aids are jumping ship why doesn't he?  This is just another example of the lack of ethics Bush's aids really have for their country.  They can't even stay to the end, they have no country loyalty and that's probably part of the reason why this country is so messed up.  With no ethics, how could they run a country?


It's a shame that we (USA) have a President like George Bush, while he seems to have great communication skills when talking with the general public, he has little or none when he talks with the rest of the world. His advisors project Mr. Bush as the "know-it-all, answer-it-all, my-way" President. 

Personally he comes across as a genuinely nice guy with a major ego problem. 

Last week I was invited to meet with President Bush, to which I immediate replied "no thanks." When I look back at my response; it's a shame I felt/feel this way about my own President. President Bush, on the outside, seems to really care about others no matter what country they come from or live in, however his persistence coupled with his inability to be flexible causes more problems and issues then if he and his cronies would just keep quiet and let other countries take over the actual communication side of things.

So to the rest of the world, I'm sorry about President Bush, we're really not as bad of a country as he projects.


Exxon-Mobile boycott?!  It has been suggested that if the general public were to participate in a boycott of all Exxon-Mobile supplied gas stations it would have little or no effect on the price of gas. I fail to understand how a significant decrease in their sales volume would fail to get their attention. The public would need to know all the names under which their product is sold. I would willing play my part in such an action, would you? Someone should provide a state by state list of all retail points of sale for gasoline produced by Exxon-Mobile. 05/2007


Dymler Chrysler sells majority shares of corporation without notifying employees.  

Just another example of big business doing what it does best; selling out the little guy.  


Where does your future stand with the corporation you work for? 05/14/2007


Fuel prices in America are just another example of why big business should not be allowed to self regulate and monitor itself.  For the little guys government makes rules, regulations and laws backed by costly legal expenses and often jail time.  But for big business the government seems to think self regulations and the honor system works best.  So why would you think a petroleum company would lower their profits at a time when they're making records profits?  Do you really think BP, Shell and Chevron really care about the American economy?  Not unless it effects their pocket book and let's face it; American citizens aren't organized enough to team-up and do anything together.  After all when it comes to big business, it's these same large corporations that make the enormous contributions and offer all the perks to our politicians, not the little guy, and who's listening to the little guy anyways unless it's re-election time?  Yet it's the little guy that pays most of the taxes, sends their kids off to fight foreign wars, tries to pay for healthcare, education for their children, property taxes, federal, state, and sales tax and more, all on what's called middle income earnings.  So who's really watching out for whom?  When will enough be enough and when will America start watching out for Americans instead of big business and politicians?  Unfortunately, never.  05/15/2007


Tony Blair is stepping down after 10 years of service.  Blair's started off in office with a great reputation and a huge following, but when Tony took  sides with President Bush, his following and reputation went straight down hill with him.  So what's my point?  First of all, I'm  embarrassed to have President Bush represent the USA, secondly I think the world can bite the big one!  Yes our politicians have their head up their asses, and yes they don't have a clue when it comes to taking care of anyone other than themselves, their families and friends, yet whenever there are injustices in the world, it's the world that looks to the USA to take care things and pay for everything.  I agree Bush and the majority of politician are self-centered, self-service ego maniacs, but they don't speak for our country, they just paid more than the next guy to get in office.  America is, in spite of the political arena, a great place; we care about not only our own people, but we care about others no matter what country their in.  We send our money, support and our own children off to foreign countries to make things better, not for us but for you!  We go to these other countries not with our hands out, but with our hearts out.  Yes we have a few bad apples, but it's the US news that reports those bad apples and what they've done.  I bet, you can't think of another country that actually takes action when it comes to protecting other people and other countries, and no country has sacrifice as much as the US in both money and our own peoples lives.  So if the rest of the world wants to hate us, I'll say it again; they can bite the big one.  05/09/2007


America, world opinion: When people used to think of America they might have said a few bad things here and there, however eventually they would come back with something about how America reaches out to the poor, needy and helpless, but today America stands for greed, power and insincerity.


Much of the problem is we have a President that just thinks about how he feels, everyone else's opinion simply means almost nothing.  I guess he's just part of the "ME" generation.


It's time for a change.  04/28/2007


It's incredible to hear the Democrats and Republicans criticize President Bush for his actions in Iraq, yet both parties has been directly responsible for authorizing and acknowledging each step along the way.  I personally don't understand how they can keep criticizing yet they can't seem to come up with any better solutions other than asking the U.N. to get involved and for the U.S. to pullout.


First of all, the U.N. has already told the world they're not interested in getting involved, so stop talking like it's an option.  If you really want to stop the war in Iraq or elsewhere, give them electricity, jobs, food, shelter,  and a future.  You can't blame anyone for helping whichever special interest group that offers to pay, feed and shelter their families.


Why is it so important for the news media to broadcast every step our military plans to take before it happens?  If our enemies would do the same, we wouldn't have to worry where they're at or what their up to, we'd just do what our enemies do, what the news!  This reminds me of our original 13 colonies battling against the British.  The British did everything by the book while our colonies used every sneaky little trick in the book.  The British chivalry and ethics help give us our independence.  

This is a war we're in, and the rest of the world isn't in it with us, so stop justifying everything to the world!


43 year old astronaut Lisa Nowak allegedly planed out a long term plot to rid herself of one member of a three way love triangle (Nowak, Shipman and Oefelein).  If it's true or not; Nowak is just a person, so let's just send her to jail for a few years and let's move on!  I only hope this doesn't turn in to a military issue where they go through the motions (for show), then protect their own the the police departments do.


Government in America: Why is it that the President and our politician never seem to ask us little people what we think or what we're most concerned about in America until just before the elections, thereafter, nothing seems to change?


Joe Bidden opens his mouth about Obama without thinking.  Does this mean he's a resist?  Does this mean he shouldn't run for President, or does this mean he's only human?


Two US Federal agents (Ramos and Compean) have been sentenced to prison after they attempted to arrest a known drug smuggler possessing over $1,000,000.00 worth of drugs. 01/19/2007


Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell are at it again! Both act like little kids as they point figures and throw mud at each other and do the name calling thing, belittling each other's life, looks, behavior, TV shows, marriages/civil union and whatever, all while "The Donald" tells the world how rich he is, and didn't go bankrupt (just took advantage of the situation).  You'd think the news would zero in on these two adult's childish behavior but instead they talk about how each is actually promoting themselves "bad publicity is better than no publicity", which I totally disagree with.  These two, not to mention the news are setting a poor example to everyone on how to behave and act when you're a star.  If I owned stock in whatever business either one is associated with, I'd sell it!   12/28/2006


The "Do Nothing Congress" is trying its best to finally get something done, but it's to little to late for most and even at this late date, most still think they need to wheel and deal instead of just voting for what's right.  What a poor excuse of a government.  12/12/2006 


"Do politicians really think negative campaigning is really what their constituents want?  Are the barrage of annoying phone calls at all times of day and night including Sundays, also something politicians think will get people out to vote, let alone for them?  Hasn't the past 10 years of negative campaigning taught them anything?  


Not one ad or solicitation has offered a real proactive strategy.  And why is it if we have "no call" laws, only the people running for office and a few other exceptions are allowed to?  


I say, kick them all out of office and start over.  November 7th, SUCKS!"

PM WY 11/07/2006



John Kerry makes a statement he won't be honest about making and the Republicans act like a bunch of kids saying "All he has to do is apologies."  What a bunch of spoil little rich kids.  

Democrats and Republicans, grow up, each of you know neither party admits anything unless they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. 11/01/2006


Politicians:  Why is it ok for each party to make faults accusation against the other party when they know what they're saying is a lie?  Recently I notice politicians running inexcusable ads against the other party only to say, we didn't authorize the ad and we're trying to get it off the air.  Is there any accountability, or do politicians just keep breaking laws because they know they won't be held accountable anyways? 10/28/2006


Do not call list cover just about every type of business other than politicians and I for one, think this is yet another bunch of bull from our legislators to protect their own interest while controlling ours.  When they get in trouble with the law like the Kennedy's, negligence homicide, drunken driving, rape charges, leaving the scene of an accident, careless driving, etc they simply manage to get the charges dropped and off they go to a luxurious rehab center for the week, where you and I would end up being fined beyond our imagination and forced to serve real jail time.   So why doesn't anyone do something about this type of one sided legislation?  Answer, because the public just sites back and complains and does noting!  So I guess we deserve it. 10/20/2006


Politicians and movie stars go to rehab, you and I go to jail!  How is this fair, and why do we keep letting both groups get away with everything? 10/09/2006


Is outsourcing good for business?  Well, you might say, it depends on where you live, but for many US businesses, outsourcing has brought on an entirely new problem; poor support has meant poor customer loyalty.  And many companies are losing customer base by the thousand mainly because their customers simply can't communicate or get help from their outsourced support teams. By the way, calling your help desk 'technical advisor', 'specialist', 'consultant' etc doesn't make much sense if they don't know that their doing.  10/08/2006


We're losing the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, not just because President Bush is nearsighted, self-righteous, arrogant and foolish, or because we have no real leadership in America, it's also not just that the news media has an agenda against everything in America.  We're losing the war because all of these things and our enemies love to hear it!  My advise would be a little more patriotic, freedom of expression is a nice privileges to have, but bashing everything about America isn't news, it's a simply a matter of a negative opinion controlled by people with money.  10/07/2006


GM and Renault, now there's a real great thought.  One's a company that discontinued selling their junk cars in the US and the other is a company that acts like their trying to stop selling cars in the US.   Just to consider the two as a team means the folks at GM are screwed up!   09/20/2006


Condoleezza Rice says we're only going to warn you 10 or 20 more times then we're going to take appropriate action.


Why is the Federal Reserve so interested in curbing inflation when jobs and complete businesses are moving out of the country and our economy is going down the tubs?  I personally don't care if bread is $10 a loaf as long as I'm working and can afford it,  I'd also rather pay high prices than I would having to worry about if I get another paycheck.  10/07/2006


Migrant workers seem to be, in general, nice people, but they be registered if they're working or living within US borders. 10/02/2006


US news is bent on stating there was no connections between Saddam and al-Qaida, therefore the war in Iraq was not necessary.  Who cares if there was or was not a connection?  We went in to Iraq because Saddam refused to let UN inspectors in to Iraq to inspect their nuclear capabilities and Saddam mocked and taunted the UN and in particular the US.  Many of the UN countries didn't support the attack/war but few took a strong stand either way. 09/10/2006


President Bush is back on the bandwagon looking for mid-election voters, watchout minorities here he comes!  07/20/2006


Supreme Courts protects government from whistleblowers.  Yet another example of the  government protecting it's lawmakers and  agencies while letting the American worker know he or she's just a pawn.  Do your job, the government will tell you what and when you can say anything!   Article 05/31/2006


The Feds monetary tightening and rising interests rates not only slow US economic growth they actually cause inflation.  If my business can't borrow money at an interest rate comparable to overseas rates, then how do you expect my business to compete without passing the higher cost of doing business on?  05/23/2006


Why do you think American investors are scurrying to invest money overseas?  Lower cost of labor, lower interest rates, fewer restrictions, national pride, patriotism and government assistance is impossible to compete with.  05/23/2006


Who really runs this country?  It's the news!  Despite the media's claims, the news slants political stories and certainly seems to have a hidden agenda against any political power that's in office.  It's almost as if the media automatically takes odds against whatever party that's in office and seems to relish any and all signs of negativity.  Our media has turned from a reporting agency in to an entertainment series capitalizing and theatrisizing each incident at the sake of the victims evolved.  If you ever wonder why anyone would want to run for office, become a police officer or hold a public office, you would have to contribute most of the criticism if not all to our media.  Mean, vicious, relentless, opinionated stories without a rebuttal.  Is this really what freedom of the press was suppose to offer? 05/23/2006


Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro breaks right rear leg in numerous areas (Morning Call reported left ankle, can't tell right from left) and veterinarian claims Barbaro has a fifty/fifty chance.  My question, why is a broken or fractured leg life threatening to a horse or are they making this in to a more suspenseful situation than it is? 05/21/2006  Your comment


How much more can middle and lower class America take?  Republican controlled House passes $70,000,000,000.00 tax cut for the wealthy, the average working person receives approximately $45.00, the average wealthy person receives $45,000.00.  Is this really what America needs to spur economic growth?  Personally Ragonomic's trickle down theory didn't work then and it surely isn't working now.  America is losing thousands of jobs both overseas and over our boarders while large investors like Warren Buffett spend their investment money in foreign investments and stocks.  The only thing worse is the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke raised interest rates again today effecting only the little guy and small businesses that can't afford to borrow money overseas at near zero percentage rates.  How much more can America middle and lower class take?  05/11/2006


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke upped the interest rates today one quarter point with profound words of wisdom, basically  if need be he will raise them again next quarter, if not, he won't.  Dah. 05/10/2006


Immigrants: Is there something wrong with the way people think in  America?  How can anyone think it's ok to sneak in to any  country then demand representation and all the privileges and benefits that country has to offer without following that countries laws?  I for one am in 
favor of legalizing migrants that apply for legal work permits and/or citizenship, but it simply makes no sense to allow people to sneak in to America then make demands. If they can't follow America's laws, we don't want them here anyways!  05/04/2006


Immigration, illegal aliens etc, it looks simple; have every illegal alien, migrant etc register as visiting, working or as citizens of America and arrest, fine and deport the 

rest.  If an employer has an illegal alien working for them (without the legal identification) fine them!   America needs to know who is living within our borders and every person and business needs to be held accountable.  I wouldn't think about hiring an illegal alien in my small business because it's illegal!


Personally I love most people from Mexico and think most are hard working, polite, happy people that are also vastly underpaid and overworked, but then again, so are Asian immigrants.   So let's give them all a chance to live in America, as long as they're legal.  Viva la/le difference!  05/02/2006


President Bush has requested an investigation in to rising gas prices.  Who does he think he's kidding?  He's from Texas!  Bush knows how gas prices work and he knows there's always a few (10% or so) that take any advantage of whomever they can, whenever they think they can get away with it.  Bush also knows the only people that can get in trouble for price hicks is the individual gas station owners, not the corporations that are making billions on the higher cost of fuel.  I personally think President Bush thinks he'll look good to the public while not losing a dime of the larger corporate campaign contributors. 04/25/2006


Gas prices around the world have more than doubled, first because of OPEC, then the war in Iraq, next the hurricanes in the US and now because of Iran latest nuclear endeavors.  So how does each event impact the rise in oil prices yet the price of oil never seems to go back down after the latest catastrophe?  04/20/2006


Someone asked me the other day why I dislike the media, well here's a few of my complaints:  1.) The press has lead us all to believe we need to take prayers out of schools and public places, yet over 80% of all Americans are Christians.   So what's wrong with nondenominational prayer in the morning?  2.)  By listening to the press one would think America is full of racism and hatred and yet the vast majority of Americans have friends that are of another race, religion etc.  3.)  The press would have you believe "freedom of speech" means any person or organization can and should say anything they want anywhere no matter whom or how many people it offends.  Well, I think "freedom of speech" is great but still needs to be controlled just like anything else.  Protesting at funerals, blocking abortion centers, harassing religious and ethnic organizations and broadcasting where our troops are located and what their plans are, including the "imbedded reporters" need to be controlled.  4.)  I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat, so it really gets me when the press pushes everything off as American's being one or the other.  Sometimes Republicans win, sometimes Democrats and occasionally Independents win, why?  It's simply, most Americans vote for the person or organization they most believe in, not along partisan lines! 04/20/2006


Supreme Court Justice David Souter issues another blow to hamper the police investigations by stating, police can not enter a building if one of the occupants object without a search without a search warrant even if the others give authorization.  More on this store....  

Comment: It's just a shame to think judges can interpret the laws anyway they want, if a person asks the police to come in to a building, I would think the police have every right to search.  So basically if a person has something to hide, they can tell the police to leave while they get rid of the evidence.  What a shame! 03/22/2006


President Bush seems like a nice guy when it comes to talking on TV, however his methods of getting things done offend everyone.  Why doesn't he use the same attitude he uses on TV with other countries, congressman etc?  It's no wonder the rest of the world hates us.  But then again, they always do until they need help.  03/12/2006


Michael Brown past head of FEMA is heading up his own disaster control prevention organization, it's amazing what TV can do for a person's ego!   It would seem that after Katrina's devastation and loss of so many lives Michael would get in a business that didn't have to risk any more lives. 1/22/2006


Judge Cashman demonstrates yet another example of why I say; judges are just people, they just act like they're Gods and wing it thinking they can get away with anything.  They're a lot like politicians, celebrities, movie stars and the media.   More, click here!  1/10/2006


Judge Alito is really none of your/ my business, no one has ever asked what I think about a supreme court justice and probably never will.  The entire process seems to be just between the President and the congress cronies.  They approve or disapprove along party lines and decide who best fits their particular interest.  Have you ever met a judge that just seemed to be a normal citizen?  I haven't. 1/11/2006 


President Bush's approval rating is now near 30% and slipping.  So what can this guy do right?  First George could care about America and take care of the issues at home.  Low paying, unskilled jobs are taking over America while our technology companies are leaving as fast as possible.  George might want to stop rubbing shoulder with his VIP buddies for a while since he can't run for another term, and maybe he should start addressing the issue of industrial plight!  Let the companies and congress know it's not ok for the companies that have made their fortunes at home to simply pack up and take our jobs, skills and welfare elsewhere.  Be a friggen leader and a true American!  Make a stand for your country!  It's simply not right to profit in America then leave to China, Indian, Malaysia, Mexico etc.  And as far as the American people, stop doing business with companies that abandon you!   Wake the heck up!

Happy Christmas, oh sorry, I forgot you aren't suppose to say that any more.  Happy Holidays, here's hoping you get exactly what you all deserve; toys man in China, a new car from Japan or Mexico, close from India or maybe even some of the great French wire.    12/09/2005 


I was listing to the radio a couple of days ago when I heard a lady say that we have a government of one.  At first I didn't think much about it, but then when I listened to what she had to say, I believe she's right.  George Bush unfortunately does and says whatever he wants and he gets whatever it is that he wants and doesn't seem to care who it offends or hurts. What's wrong with our government and how can they continue to talk badly about Bush but yet support everything he wants?  10/22/2005


Article from USA Today-Monday, Oct 17,2005

"West Virginia: Charleston - Sexual abuse of students is the No. 1 reason public school teachers have lost their licenses in West Virginia during the past five years, officials said.  Since 2000, 118 of West Virginia's 24,000 teachers permanently or temporarily lost their licenses.  Of those, 41 lost their licenses for sexual assault or abuse of a student."       Surveillance cameras  as a 'Second Presence' could protect the innocent.  With cameras placed strategically, Film dated and stored could serve to establish the truth of claims made even many years after the fact in situations of , schools, churches, nursing homes, day care, street corners, police and more.  We live in a litigious society.  Innocence needs a Second Presence for protection!  (A grandmother.)


Not to impressed with politicians, however I heard a person speak on National Public Radio (NPR) the other day and thought, this guy sounds like he not only knew what he was saying, but I even liked the way he said it.  Thought your audience might be interested in him, Barack Obama. 09/23/2005



Where was President Bush when hurricane Katrina hit?  Wasn't Louisiana and Mississippi important to him?  If you had been left on the rooftop of your home for 3 to 5 days without any assistance, wouldn't you wonder how important you really were to your country?  SHAME ON BUSH AND SHAME ON ALL OUR POLITICIANS!  09/04/2005


So where was your congressman this week, still on vacation or back in Washington helping the victims of hurricane Katrina? 09/03/2005


Isn't there anything that us Americans can do to help those hurt by hurricane Katrina in Mississippi and Louisiana?  Can't we take the homeless victims in to our home to supply shelter, food, clean water etc? 08/29/2005



Gas prices getting you down?  It's not for the oil companies!  2005 will prove to be record profits for  the oil sector.  High demand, refinery accidents, and China's emerging economy are only a part of the picture.  BP, Shell, Exxon, Mobile and others are all in cahoots with each other protecting their production, shipping, refining and exorbitant profits at your expense( price fixing?)!  Oil could be sold for less than the $60.00 plus a barrel, but why should it?  They own the companies that buy their own products, then own the distribution end of things.  Many even own the gas stations, so from start to finish, they own it all!  So do something about it!  Contact your congressman and tell them to take action!  08/12/2005 ZL/CN



I watched an interview with Bernard Goldberg author of "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America" last night on TV.  I was looking forward to buying this book until I listened to his sour and often adversarial comments but then again I was disappointed with all the guests including Donny Douche.  None of the guest would allow Bernard time to answer their questions and when they did, he was rude and extremely arrogant.  One of the biggest complains I have is that none of the guest including Douche even taken the time to prepare themselves by reading the book.  What a waste of TV time and paper.




GM spokesman stated customers are not well informed when it comes to GM's styling changes.  No wonder GM keeps losing market share, they don't seem to know Chevrolet, Pontiac and Buick look a lot a like! 06/17/2005



Michael Jackson found "not guilty."  06/13/2005 6PM.



Thomas Sneddon District Attorney seemed smug, vague and wanting to distance himself from the Michael Jackson case.   He display no interests in answering questions of the press.  Re. Michael Jackson found not guilty.  JT.  06/13/2005 6:00 PM



Social Security suggestions: Contact your Congressmen



Social Security Funding Idea



Why is Ford and GM so focused on v8 power instead of economy?  Our cars, trucks and vans can only legally go 75mph on the highway anyways.  So focus on better fuel economy and lower gear ratios for low end torque.  After all, I'd like to purchase a new vehicle, but not if it can't get better than 15mpg.  04/27/2005 BT/IN



Medicaid:  Is there an elderly person in your family?  If so, keep track of all Medicaid benefits received!  Medicaid will be tapping the deceased's estate, for full re-imbursement, when they die.  After all, the Red Cross also expects to reclaim much of what it gives. 04/27/2005 JL/MI



President Bush meets with the Saudi Arabia Prince, stating the Prince knows there's a need for reasonable oil prices, he's doing everything he can.  Is this the best negotiating President Bush can do?  And how is it that we suddenly realize the US doesn't have enough oil refinery capacities to handle more oil? Don't go to far away Hilary Clinton, I think we're going to need you in a few short years!   04/25/2005 IN LJ



Social Security needs a major overhaul, however allowing an individual or the government to control future finances is a lot like allowing Garfield to control his own lasagna. After all, the government runs a continuous deficit while over 90% of all American owe more than they earn.  So how in 'Toon-Land' do you expect either to  control retirement funds?  Maybe we should allow Goofy to do it?   02/03/2005



Deans back, what in the heck are the Democrats thinking?


4 more years of 'Bush-authoritarianism', can America take it?  With Jimmy Carter we had a chance of world peace.  With Bill Clinton we had a wishy-washy storyteller that would say one thing then do whatever he thought the people/press wanted.  With George Bush we'll all have to like things his way or leave.  (MJ/02-04-2005) 



Elections in Iraq, a great start!  To bad the press will need to find a way of making it look insignificant. JJ /MN02/04/2005



Our hates are off to Brian Yates and their family.  We will never understand what you and your family must be going through in light of your sister's conviction.



Athletes, actors and actresses, celebrities, and TV personalities seem to be America's most influential people.  So what does this say about the influence and impact of TV on our society? By the way, can you name more than one living  philosopher, scientist or chemist? (01/05/2005)



What's the real reason why the press continually criticizes President Bush?  No matter what Bush does the press is quick to say it's wrong.   Has the press ever heard of patriotism? 12/21/2004



I'm not really sure how things really work in America,  but it sure seems like we give an awfully lot of money to foreign aid and goodwill, while at the same time, millions of us live on very little.  I don't think the President, the Senate or the House of Representatives really know what it's like to live in America on a less than average household income.  I just keep hearing President Bush repeating how America sacrifice, yet all I see is how the middle to lower class families sacrifice.  I have been working for over 40 years and yet I drive around in a vehicle that's over 12 years old.  I'm also not willing to have my kids go fight battles on foreign soil while the upper class kids go off to college and move on with their couriers.  What am I missing besides money?

By the way, I just heard on NPR that some government employees are now being guaranteed to receive their average annual income once they complete 15 years of service.  How can they enact such a law when these are the same people that are cutting every other American's jobs, medical benefits and social security?   Who's representing the middle class, nobody?




Detroit Piston's Basketball game erupts, so who cares?  American athletes think they're gods anyways, this is nothing new.  After all, once an athlete turns professional, the press and fans treat them like they're gods, what are they suppose to think?  After all they didn't get to where they are because of brain power. I personally think, all the attention, prays and glory and sometime reference to "heroes," goes way beyond what the athletes deserve and/or give back to the people.  There's dollars in athletics because of the entertainment value, nothing more.  Athletes are glorified entertainers, so don't expect more out of them then they can deliver.  As far as Detroit goes, I think we should seriously think about asking Canada if they might be interested in annexing.


These surely are days of greed and the me generation. Detroit get what it gives.  tt/MI 11/23/2004



Bush wins re-election by a narrow margin!  Does this really mean as the press has been stating for the past year "America has been deeply divided?"  I think not!  As evident by the previous election, each state kept its Democratic and/or Republican majority vote.  So why does the press keep saying Kerry and Bush have this deep divide in beliefs? And what's this bunk about 60% of all Christians voted for Bush, while 70% of all non-believers voted for Kerry?  This is not reporting, it's more guess work.  How could the press really know who voted for what, they're all secret ballots, aren't they?  (11/03/2004)



Late last night one of Bush's campaign managers contacted a spokesperson in Kerry's camp asking for Kerry to formally concede the election victory to President Bush.  Kerry's people stated they were waiting for all the votes to be counted, after all, the election count was not final.  Bush's people than lashed back by stating Kerry was holding on to foolish hopes and basically wasn't in touch with reality.  My quest is, why would the morons in Bush's camp feel it necessary to contact or riddle Kerry at that time, instead of waiting until the votes were officially counted?


Personally, I'm embarrassed to be called an American at this time.  Is  Bush and Kerry the best America has to offer?  I'm embarrassed whenever I think of how many times I've watched both parties dodge question and avoid the issues, then turn to the crowd holding their thumbs high in the air as to celebrate victory.


It's sad to think that most American's can'tt point out what either party really stands for, and it's more of a shame to have to wait until we get to the voting booths to know what the really issues are.  With all the unaccountable advertising, signs, phone calls and more, it would seem like at least someone would have addressed the facts and laid them on the table for all to see.


Who runs these campaigns anyway, a bunch of rich, intellectual idiots? (11/03/2004)



Bush and Kerry met for staged debate #1, no surprise questions allowed.  I'm not a Kerry fan so it came as no surprise when I thought Bush looked and acted most like a knowledge,  home town President.  But when I watched the debates the second time, and yes I fell a sleep a few times, I began to believe the news panel; Kerry looked and sounded good especially  when he wasn't reiterating himself, which Kerry did over and over again.


I personally think we need to reunite our allies, however I also feel most of our allies are fair weather friends at best (France, Russia, Germany etc.)  Besides most countries hate us anyways unless they need aid or military support.  At the same time; I guess the U.S. does push its weight around a little too much.  In the past our political and military involvement was fairly secretively, but since Bush came to office; it's done like a bull in a China shop.  It might be that the silent method had proven to create less enemies, therefore Bush really should go back and speak with his dad about politics and public relations.  Other then this, Bush is an excellent military President, he's just out of touch with the common folks of America and the rest of the world.  Maybe we would be better off with a wishy-washy President like Kerry in office. (10/01/2004)



Fox News coverage of the Republic Convention was great up until the end of convention, when Fox News announcers  started putting down President Bush's wife and daughters for their part; speaking about their lives with President Bush.


Prior to today, I had heard Fox News was anti-Republican, after listing tonight guess they were right.  It's time for Fox to replace their old bitter announcers with younger more optimistic more sensitive people. (08/31/2004)



John Kerry and President George Bush are missing the point, the American people aren't interested in all the mud slinging, that's the press's job.  The American people want, and need to know what they have accomplished and what their plans are for our country, both abroad and here in the U.S. ZM/MS 08/25/2004



I'm not Ralph Nader fan, however I do feel our country is not demonstrating our democratic beliefs by not allowing Nader to run for office in many US states.   08/29/2004



Small telemarketers seem to have faded away, but we still have to deal with the local and long distance phone companies, health insurance, politicians, Firefighters and other imitation fund raisers from surrounding states.  Don't they get the message, no one likes telemarketers! 08/18/2004



The 2004 Democratic Convention went as well as the final balloon mishap.  The balloons didn't fall when they were suppose to and Kerry didn't deliver anything  new, just the same old political jargon he used to be against.   I don't like Bush, but I sure don't want someone in office that doesn't have a clue what he's going to propose once in office.  08/04/2004



Politics first before good old common sense and a little humor.  In a speech in Ontario California  Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger claimed Democrats were holding up budget proposals, however all the Democrats seemed to have heard were his comment about "girlie men."  Why can't the Democrats just laugh it off and get to work for their constituents?  Details regarding Schwarzenegger's speech are listed below.


LOS ANGELES (July 19 Saturday ) - Democrats are upset by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's claims Democrats are  delaying new budget proposals by catering to special interests. Democrats protested that the remark was sexist and homophobic.  Schwarzenegger also mocked Democratic law makers by calling them "girlie men''. 


Democrats said Schwarzenegger's remarks were insulting to women and gays and distracted from budget negotiations. State Sen. Sheila Kuehl said the governor had resorted to "blatant homophobia.''  Kuehl is one of five members of the Legislature's five-member Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus.


Assemblyman Mark Leno, a San Francisco Democrat who is chairman of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus, said he was glad Schwarzenegger didn't repeat the "girlie men'' remark Sunday, saying it was "as misogynist as it is anti-gay.''


"To disparage a group of law abiding tax paying citizens is just wrong,'' Leno said.


Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, a Democrat, said that while he wasn't upset by the remark, his 13-year-old daughter was.

"She's a young girl who knows the governor and really likes him a lot and didn't find the term to be a positive term, and finds it to be derogatory,'' Nunez said. "It was no question a very, very insensitive comment to make. I personally am not intimidated or threatened by it, but I think it really is beneath Gov. Schwarzenegger.''


A spokesman for the governor said no apology would be forthcoming.  Go Arnold! (07/19/2004)



Don't vote this November, let the world know we know we don't have any real leaders and get it over with.  Maybe, if other countries knew we're not all that proud of our leaders they wouldn't hate us Americans.  It's hard to believe our country can't do better then John Kerry and/or President Bush.  Take Kerry for example, he's  accomplished virtually nothing while in the Senate, in fact I had never heard of this guy until he started running for President.  While Bush, on the other hand has managed to, at one time or another, pissed-off most of the rest of the world.  Yes, I know Bush was raised as a spoiled little rich kid that was used to getting things his own way without having to answer to anyone, well, his daddy isn't there to get him out of problems any more.  And let face it, Kerry has  been completely out of touch with the Senate and for that matter, the rest of the world.  So how can we allow either of these two to represent and shape our country for the next four years?  Stop backing either of these egotistical morons and let's find a couple of real  candidates, we must have at least two don't we?   (07/09/2004)


"Nuradin Abdi of Somalia had been arrested, back in November of 2003, for plotting to blow up a mall in Columbus, Ohio.  June 16th, 2004, Nuradin appeared in court where his lawyer successfully requested Nuradin's psychiatric evaluation.  Nuradin's brother was quoted as saying "it was like he was another person."  Do you see any problem here?  I do!  For one, if I were Nuradin, I would acting crazy too, since I might be facing life in prison or the death penalty.  Besides, Nuradin is obviously being held in a country that he looks at as being the world's enemy.  If Nuradin had been picked up in one of many third world country, Nuradin could be tortured, then face a firing squad.  So, why would he be tortured there but not here?  Well, mainly we're a country of softies that turn the other cheek unless we're directly effected.  We're so used to hearing about death and destruction both here and around the world, we don't pay much attention to what it must be like for the victims surviving families.  We seem to be impervious to other's pain and suffering, yet we fight for other's protection and rights when their out to kill other innocent people.  Yes, I do believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' but I'm tired of watching us chastise our police departments, FBI, President Bush and many others who are merrily trying to protect us.  "War on terror" will never end unless we get tough, root out our enemies, press for answers and plan for the future.  I would like to ask you why are there more successful terrorist attacks in Iraq today then there were when Saddam was in power?  The answer is easy, Saddam, although crazy with power and guilty of using extreme inhuman torture against his opposition, took the offensive and routed out his enemies.  So for all of us here in the U.S., let's learn a lesson from those that have been fighting for thousands of years; take action against those that are trying to eliminate us, let's root out our enemies and where needed, do what's needed to protect all of us.  Who know, may be someday we will even take action against crime in America"  NR/FL (06/18/2004)


With Allen Greenspan's needless, repeated warning the Federal reserve is ready to raise interest rates as needed, who would need more proof of Greenspan's incompetence.  It's obvious with gas and oil prices surging worldwide, companies will have to raise their cost of goods and services to compensate for the added fuel and energy costs, and yes; we might see a few signs of economic growth here and there, but growth isn't a  bad thing, it's exactly what the U.S. needs; to help offset Mexico and China's new found economic boom.   Greenspan needs a refresher course in economics, after that, boot him out in the street so Allen can see what the U.S. economy is really like.  By the way, hasn't Greenspan ever heard of 'retirement?'  LT/MI (06/15/2004)


Kerry's new strategy to win more voters is jeopardizing national security by telling the world the US military is spread to thin to protect its interests both foreign and homeland.  Is this really a person you want for President? (06/04/2004)


"Soaring gas prices and low supplies have once again shown American's greed for gas eating vehicles has no end.  We're a country of greedy self-centered bigots and we're blaming the middle east because they want more money.  Shame on us Americans."  VM/MN 05/26/2004


Republicans and Democrats are spending millions on their personal campaigns while American schools, arts, road and education go on the financial cutting block.  Where do all the millions of campaign support dollars come from and why can't schools and the arts attract the same money?  What's wrong with this picture?  AN/FL 05/24/2004


"Day-traders"  are no longer  impressed with large corporate profits or "buy and hold" strategies.  Recently, companies like AMD reported better then expected profits and their stocks,  symbol AMD have fallen with heavy trading.  Even AMD's run-up was week.  At the same time, small stocks like <NENG> which corrected their first quarter loses, have risen over 32% in a single day because of narrow profits.  I don't get it?"  ZK/Ill (04/22/2004)


Regarding this report from AOL (04/22/2004) KARBALA, Iraq (April 24) - Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr threatened to unleash suicide bombers if U.S. troops move against him in Iraq's holiest Shiite city, his militiamen reportedly attacked a Bulgarian convoy, killing one US soldier.  


Radical Iraq leader claims to have the Iraq people's best interest in mind, while they send their own followers in to  suicide attacks and kill mostly their own people.  Are the Iraq people really that messed up to believe this guys? JJ/MI (04/23/2004)


Related issue to Michael Newdow (below)

"To my pleasant surprise, Michael Newdow's personal vendetta against God has been stopped by the Supreme Court.  God Bless America!"  TR/TN (03/20/2004)


Michael Newdow would like all reference to God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.  Newdow also  believe all reference to God should be illuminated from governmental offices, including schools.  The nice thing is, his ex-wife disagrees.  Is Newdow just an educated man that's bitter against the world or does he have a right to demand God be removed from America?   What do you think? 03/25/2004.


"I used to think America was a great country and probably the best country in the world to live in, but after reading AOL's chat and watching what people say to each other, the rude comments, belittling, swearing and denouncing of  God, Christianity and other beliefs, I'm just not to sure what America stands for.  I wonder what God thinks?"  (03/20/2004) JT/IO 


Jobs and security for March of 2004:  Contrary to public opinion, I believe President Bush has been doing a great job fighting terrorism.   Also Bush was right on the money regarding war on countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.  If Bush would have stood by and listened to more of the rhetoric as many of you "turn the other cheek" do nothings would have, our country would have been infiltrated by more Arab sponsored terrorist then it has.  If America continues to just turn the other cheek,  you'll just make an easier target for the terrorist.  The terrorist aren't going to take the time to come over to your house, turn their bombs off, have a cup of coffee and discus things.  Keep in mind, "you are the enemy!"  

On the other side of things, President Bush has a complete disconnect from reality when it comes to foreign trade.  His new ads say he knows exactly where America is headed and he knows exactly how to get there.  The only thing he doesn't say is "America jobs will be sacrificed in order to get there!"

Sending jobs and technology over seas is close to the stupidest thing I can think of.  I don't care if Chinese made toasters will cost less for American's, not if we're all unemployed!  I can't eat a toaster!   And I definitely will care, if we have another war and all of our technologies has to come from Arab countries that don't like us anyways.  Even our Allies aren't really Allies, they're fair-weather friends.  As long as they need us, we're great, when they don't need us, we're power mongers.  

Then again, all of us Americans are exactly what's wrong with our own country.  We buy imported goods instead of American, we hirer non-citizens because they'll work for less and they're more dependable.  At least for a while.  They also do what their employers ask without calling the NAACP, Better Business Bureau or their attorneys.  Let's face it, we are a country of selfish nearsighted egotistical goofballs that think everyone owes us a living!

If we don't watch ourselves, America might just go down in history as the shortest lived world super power!


"If Kerry couldn't pass legislation in his own state, how is he going to pass any as President?"  PP/FL 03/11/2004


"What was Bush thinking when he says job loss in America is good for America in the long run?  Is this part of the great American sacrifice he keeps referring to?  If so, let him take his $150,000,000.00 that he's raised and distribute it back to the poor people of America.  After all, Bush claims that the money that goes back in circulation will spur the economy." PP/FL 03/11/2004



The public speaks out against Allen Greenspan:  Allen Greenspan is looking to cut the Federal deficit and wants your help.  The good news is, Mr. Greenspan stated earlier today, the economy is moving forward.  The bad news is we need to keep an eye on the growing deficit and he suggests cutting millions of baby boomer's up coming retirement and social security benefits.

After all, you're just a number to this economist and since you didn't elect him, you can't fire him. 


For years we have been telling you that Greenspan is off his rocker, well, has he caught your attention yet?  If not, he will when he moves congress towards cutting your social security.


Although Greenspan is an appointed officer and has a few years to go before retirement, we thinks Mr. Greenspan should have been relieved of duty when he lead the country in to the recession.  Not to mention his total disconnect from reality.  He needs to do more than clean his glasses!  "This guy is bad for America!"    (02/26/2004)



"Dear Mr. Greenspan, if you'd really like to help the economy, quit!  If you can't do this, then retire.  If you're not willing to retire, at least wake up!  If you don't like the sounds of any of these great ideas, then how about a suggestion?  Why not add 1% to the Federal lending rate and use the 1% to supplement social security and lower the Federal deficit?" BM/US (02/25/2004)



Ralph Nader enters the Presidential race and I'm behind him 100%! (02/22/2004) LR/OH



"So the Democrats think Jim Kerry will make a great President?  How can anyone think a Senator who has been unsuccessful in creating legislation in his own state can create, improve or pass legislation for a country?"  (02/15/2004)  MM/CO

"Looks like another couple of prep school Yale grads are going to duke it out in November I can hardly wait. There hasn't been a pinch of poop between the two major parties as far as the blue collar workers are concerned. Bill (NAFTA) Clinton, Dick (Haliburton) Cheney (Oh, he's not the pres., sorry) Dubya (Let 'em all in. Americans don't want those jobs) Bush. We seem to be more concerned with making sure nobody messes with our guns than a government that is all to willing to give our jobs away. Oh well, I guess it comes down to priorities." TT/MI (02/08/2004)



"I don't believe this nation is as split as the press keeps saying.  The press acts like as if it is speaking for the rest of us, yet none of the press has ever asked what we think.  Gosh, they're just like or government."  LV/CA (02/08/2004)



"Body of Carlie Brucia was found today (02/06/2004) in Sarasota, Florida.  Carlie's accused abductor Joseph P. Smith, 37, has been charged with murder.  Smith has over 13 separate prior arrests, and you, the public just let him back on the streets to terrorize again.  When will people understand releasing repeat offenders isn't worth the risk?  What will it take for America to get tough on crime?  What will it take to make America safe?  I personally believe there is a place for special interest groups and their support, however politicians need to get back in touch with real people and public sentiments.  America is free, but America is not safe." BL/IL (02/06/2004)



"Profits 300%, U.S. Jobs ZERO!  Corporations moving out of the U.S. are sacrificing U.S. economy, jobs and security for profit.  Is this the type of company you really want to buy from?  If so, let's hope your job is  next!" JT/MI (02/06/2004)



"Personally I'm in total agreement with the actions President Bush has taken against Iraq, however Bush and Kerry's service record is something I wasn't aware of.  Now that I've read  AOL posted account of both Bush and Kerry's service records 02/05/2004, I think President Bush should answer why he missed so many days while in the National Guard.   After all, it's easy to wage war when you're on safe ground." LMM/AL (02/07/2004)



"If Al Sharpton is running for President, why hasn't the news done a better job of covering what he has to say?  The only time we hear is when he misspeaks or acts goofy." PT/CA (02/07/2004)



"Thank you for the nation's first "Do not call list" however surprisingly enough, politicians and a few others are exempt and can still bug the crap out of us.  This is just another example of how our politicians, judges and law enforcement agencies figure the laws they create are for everyone but themselves.  More bull from our Capital Hill." AA/AZ (01/30/2004)



"Tonight's Golden Globe Awards (01/25/2004) was yet another example of how messed up our country really is.  American treats actors and sports stars as if they were super heroes.  In fact, I've heard people mention Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan as being super heroes, so what did they do? Who did they save, anyone?  And what about when actors and sports stars break laws like drug abuse, drinking and driving and various car accidents, they simply receive small fines and then set free or have to do 30 days of public service.  Yet if you or I get caught doing the same things, we'd be spending time in jail.  It's not fair and not right!"  (01/25/2004) GG/NY



Conaco, GE and Halliburton all do business in and with Iran and Libya, nations that have been involved in terrorist activities against the U.S.  I think it's a shame that in the name of money, these companies support nations that support terrorism against our own country. LM/NV (01/26/2004) 



"When Joe Lieberman (D-Ct) quits running as a  Democratic Presidential hopeful, the Democrats will have no one with Presidential qualities left to run.  It will be clear sailing for President Bush!"  ZK/IN (01/23/2004)


Howard Dean loses in caucus, showing once again, Howard has no clue as to what's going on; he doesn't know what to say, when to say it, or even when he should keep his mouth shut.  Howard's follow up speech will be the butt of jokes for weeks!  On the other side of things, Bush gave a great State of the Union address, showing compassion, support for religion and marriage, healthcare, Medicare, drug prescription and the economy, it's just to bad Bush won't follow through on any of them.  My view of both parties speech; Bush 90  Dean 2. JS/NC (01/21/2004)



"We should have a national vote on gay marriage, national health coverage, uniform state sales tax, drinking age,  normalization of criminal punishment, federal flat tax reform and placing God back in our schools."  ME/TN (01/16/2004)
Pete Rose admits betting on baseball!  (01/04/2004)

"Pete Rose's life long selfish  tough guy attitude has gotten him exactly where he belongs.  Rose is just another example of a great athlete who couldn't give a damn about anyone else but himself and his own personal image and desires.  As far as I'm concerned, Rose belongs on the bench, not the Hall of Fame." BM/IH (01/04/2004)



"Dear President Bush, nearly 2 years ago you told Americans  to purchase a new vehicles to help our  economy, so I did, however I received no thanks, and my new American made 2002 Jeep Wrangler barely gets 12mpg highway and rides like crap (same as my '56' Ford V8 did), not to mention square tires which Chrysler won't stand behind.  In 2003 you talked about a tax break for American citizens,  which ends up I'm not qualified for.  Now you forgive Iraq for billions of dollars of debt, while the IRS places a lien on everything I own for a failed business I ran 9 years ago, in which an Egyptian employee embezzled everything I owned just before the Kalamazoo District court (Honorable Judge PHILIP D. SCHAEFER, Kalamazoo Michigan) sent him back to Egypt with all my money.  So is there anything else I can do for you?

   The next time you need something, call the Middle East!"  (01/02/2004)



"Save millions on space exploration: why are we sending space probes to Mars and beyond?  If we're searching for samples of other worlds and objects from space, why wouldn't we revisit our Moon.  Its surface obviously shows signs of tens of thousands of extraterrestrial objects having collided with the moon over the past few billion years.  There should be countless sample to be uncovered without the added expense of time and travel." (01/05/2004)



Is it time for people in California to move?  (12/23/2003)

"Why is it that for election year 2004, national health care is a new issue when Hilary Clinton and Ted Kennedy have been pushing for National health coverage for years?  The U.S. can't have national health care, there's no lobby for the little people!"    I Agree! or I Disagree!   (12/18/2003)



"Prior to Saddam's capture, the American press had  continually reported this country's disappointments in President Bush's  lack of success capturing Saddam.  Today's AOL pole (12/14/2003) shows 65% of our country was surprised the capture of Saddam came so quickly, while 96% support Bush's continued efforts in Iraq.  It is my belief, the press is not in touch with the American people, and willingly  reports its own negative agenda; giving the world a poor, and misguided view of America.  It's not America the world dislike, it's the view they receive through the distorted eyes of our press."  JEH/NC



"Saddam caught, time for Howard Dean to find another Anti-Bush issue.  Howard Dean undiplomatic and ungrateful remarks were to "let President Bush have his day of glory."  Is Howard Dean really concerned with the  future of the US or consumed with his own?"



"Al Gore selects Howard Dean for Democratic Presidential Hopeful, while Joe Lieberman and the rest of the world wonders "crazy Al said what?"



"I'm concerned about Howard Dean not facing up to what he himself has said and done.  So why is it that most of America acts like they don't really care?  I believe this guy will say anything to get elected and this person isn't whom I want in office!"



Hilary Clinton, our next President?  She implies she's not running, but is she?  12/07/2003



"President Bush and Hilary Clinton visit US troops in Iraq for the week of Thanksgiving.  I think both Bush and Clinton are seeking popular approval ratings." BJ/Canada  11/30/2003



"Politics as usual, is there really any room for special interest groups pressures in the new medical bill?"



Michael Jackson, what's your opinion? 11/24/2003



Ben Stein while on CNBC warned, Baby Boomers aren't saving enough for retirement!  Da, oh really?  11/18/2003



Rush Limbaugh completes 5 week detoxification and back on over 500 radio program.  Will the State of Florida treat Rush's addiction like they would if you turned yourself in?  64% No!



Why does every Presidential candidate state they would lesson the burden for American soldiers in Iraq by inviting more U.N. support?  We already asked for U.N. support and most refused!



Jessica Lynch tells all.



Let's remember; Kobe Bryant is innocent until proven guilty.  I personally think he's guilty but whatever, let's hear what he twisted attorneys have to say.



US Patriot Act, how do you feel?  69% for, 31% against!



Rumsfeld isn't babying the press any longer and the press doesn't like it!  Waa!  VIL/Illinois 10/28/2003



Is the US press really reporting fairly when it comes to Iraq, or is bad news the only thing the US is really interested in?

Kirk Jones, 40 years old, of Canton, Michigan, is the first known person to successfully go over Niagara Falls without protective safety gear. 10/21/2003.  26% of you stated he was brave, 74% stated Kirk was insane!



Rush Limbaugh's drug addiction blamed on everyone else, investigation is only concerned with the non-celebrities!



Rush Limbaugh Resigns ESPN Sports.  "Good I didn't like him anyways, but he resigned over the wrong issue!"   Click here for full story.



File sharing on the Internet just might cost you more than the music store CD.



10 good reasons why the America's economy is bad!



Weapon banding in the US airports, "lock 'em up!"



Chief Justice Roy Moore and 10 Commandments



U.S. and Canada power blackout, could it have been prevented?   78% yes!


Arnold Schwarzenegger runs for office in California. Yipes!


Secretary of State Colin Powell may not run...


Jerry Springer will not run for Ohio Senate


Mike Tyson squanders $300,000,000.00


US soldiers grow frustrated and impatient in Iraq.


Greenspan makes another late-in-coming statement.


No smoking bullet, but a sacrificial lamb will do!


Are guns for school employees a good idea?


Phone solicitation only ok for politicians...


Marriage, monogamous couples only?


Sultaana Freeman, must remove veil for driver's license.


Sammy Sosa.  Hero to zero with one swing of the cork bat!


US economy, AOL speaks out!


SUVs receive poor marks in 2003!


Five hundred billion dollar tax incentive?


Is President Bush spending to much time chasing terrorists?


Bill Clinton blasts President Bush


Stupid to stupider; Airlines, Million Dollar Bailouts!


Danny Glover, a racist?


Saudi Arabia, accountable?


Martin Sheen, President material?


Middle Class America, I'm tired of being kicked around!


Open trade with Cuba?






Coach Maurice Cheeks


War press coverage back-firers


Jordan/US relations slide


Arab/US relations remain low


Peace in the Middle East


It's not just Americans the Arab hate


American prejudice?


Bush was right!


Ari Fleischer (March 2003, contributor guessed it.)


Donald Rumsfeld


Arab Nations support?


Iraqi statements, wake up US and UK!


Reason for invasion on Iraq


Guess who's coming to dinner


Freedom of speech or stupidity


United Nations, who needs them?


War, it's Time?


State Taxes



Republicans are ruining America (2000), Part 1

                                                           Part 2

                                           Recession Part 3

Remember our fallen

Lost U.S. and Coalition Casualties in Iraq

(Name, age, unit, hometown, photos and details.)

The war may be over, but the battles still remain.

Scams to watch out for, click here!


Business watch list


IP addresses that scrap your web site and send you SPAM!  Click here!

SAIA Motor Freight and C.H. Robinson fails at both delivering products and customer support 09/20/2008

Re. FedEx Claims:  Our company shipped a package "FedEx C.O.D./Money order" for $3300.00 back on June 8th 2008.  On June 11th, 2008 FedEx brought back a unsigned $3300.00 company check that also had a 'Stop Payment' applied which makes the check  totally worthless.  Since that time we have had to call and email FedEx over 25 times and only three times have FedEx ever been courteous enough to return our calls.  So today I spoke with Ms C Walker and Ms C Robinson, both in FedEx claims (#901.348.9324,) and both informed me, even though FedEx was suppose to collect a Cashier's Check in the amount of $3300.00, FedEx will only pay a maximum of $100.00 per claim, adding "look at  the back of the FedEx form (C.O.D.  Airbill receipt which FedEx filled out and, according to Mrs Robinson, FedEx didn't need my signature in order for them not to pay.)  Details:  Issue non-endorsed check with a 'Stop Payment' applied by Ron Jiron of Inland Empire Components of California USA.


Is it really that hard to find out who's benefiting from high oil price while the rest of the world goes bankrupt?  If a company like BP is making record profits, then you know who's making money, period!

- - - - -  -

Wakeup America!  Cheap may save you a few dollars today, but cheap products from China will cost you your job, you life savings, your future, hospitalization and your kid's future!

So control your selfish urge to save a dollar today and buy products not made in China, and if you are lucky enough to be working here in America, please build it right!

- - - -  - -

Not just cheap, it's counterfeit!  If you've been a victim of unfair trade practices in Asia, you haven't seen anything yet!  They not only make things cheap, they also make cheap counterfeits!


A complaint has been filed against Norton Electronics Technology Co., Limited, Rm16W,DuHui 100, B Blog, Futian, ShenZhen China 518031 for selling and distributing counterfeit LCD panels.

If you've been burned by Norton or another company selling counterfeit parts, please let us know.


- - - -  - -


Why can't we control our urge to buy cheap/inferior Chinese junk?  Click me!


Despite Putan (President of Russia) running an authoritarian society, we Americans need to understand and accept why the majority of Russians support him, and it's also time to stop criticizing Russia for the differences they have with the USA.  Russia economy has prospered, unemployment cut in half and income has doubled and they are definitely better off today then they were 10 years ago when Putan toke office.

Russian government may not be perfect, but neither is America's.  Click me!


- - - -  - -


Solution to better economics:

There's probably only one way for Americans to bring business back to America; build things better, with unmatched quality and American pride.  After all, does the world really want or need more Chinese cheap crap that's filled with lead and doesn't do what it was represented to do?  


In most cases I would rather buy a quality item then to know I bought simply because it was the cheapest.  And regardless of what American auto manufacturers think; we buy Toyotas because of quality, not price.


- - - -  - -


Washington has just figured out  Afghanistan and Iraq, if you give people jobs they don't get in as much trouble.  So where has Washington been for the past 6 years?


- - - -  - -


Organic no longer means organic!  Research you organic foods before you eat!  Health groups around the country are finding many of the organic foods purchased from China are no longer and in many cases, never were; grown organically.  So, read before you eat! 08/26/2007


- - - -  - -


Over 40% of bottled water found in stores, supermarkets and in restaurants are no different than ordinary tap water.  


I never thought I would say this, but my suggestion is, drink city water.  At least it's periodically tested and virtually germ free.  Better yet, try buying a $20 water filter, you'll have great water at a fraction of the price.




Where did all the honey bees go?  Last year as I was watching honey bees go from flower to flower, I notice a strange looking bee hovering behind the honey bees as they gathered pollen.  Suddenly the strange looking bee would fly down on the honey bees back and hold the honey bee in position for a few seconds, then fly off to do the same to other honey bees.  That by itself was strange enough, but more difficult to understand was the honey bees once let lose of by their attacker, didn't fly away, they just kept on doing their thing like nothing happened.  


My question is this; was the strange looking bee depositing a parasite on to the honey bee or stealing pollen?  And since this strange looking bee went from bee to bee could it be either contaminating the honey bees with some kind of deadly toxin or was it leaving a parasite behind to do its dirty work?  05/05/2007


Global warming or not?  I just heard yesterday that the scientist are now saying the Artic is actually growing instead of shrinking, so which is it?  I guess no matter what it's doing, I can't imagine anyone saying pollution is good.


Peace comment and how to change the world. 02/27/2007


Nigerian Oil is destine to hurt America's pocket book while making corporate executives record profits, and the native people of Nigeria, well they live on nearly  nothing.


What do Arab countries have in common with France?  1.) They each hate any country that has more power than they do!  2.) Each country brags, boosts and makes accusation without doing anything about the problem.  3.) Fanaticism; each allow their most wealthy to dictate terms to the less fortunate, and none care about anything other than power!  4.) Each country is run by old men that have no concern for others.


Iraq couldn't wait to get Saddam to the gallows to be hanged.  When we think it's Bush's fault for not thinking through issues like the war on Iraq, Iraq seems to have a way of making Bush look pretty good!  12/30/2006


Rumsfeld stepping down, none to soon. 12/15/2006


Kofi Annan Secretary of the UN retires, thank God!  12/10/2006


With leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran, Kim Jong-lls in North Korea, Kofi Annan in the UN and President Bush in the US we know education in the world is on a downhill slid.  12/09/2006


Saddam found guilty, now what?  The Iraqis have decided to hang Saddam and the US want a life sentence in prison.  For me, I'm against cruel and unusual punishment, but I'm also against America making any more demands around the world.  We should keep our noses out of other countries business unless there's a direct treat to America. 11/06/2006


Oil prices are dropping just when new oil reserves are being discovered in South American and the US looks toward Ethanol, what a coincidence!  For years I've watched the Middle East play with fuel prices while our government sites back and does nothing, and this summer I heard President Bush comment "American ingenuity will bring us through this, it always does".  Well I've only got one thing to say, "what a simple minded, do nothing statement and President!" 10/29/2006


North Korea may be able to play diplomatic games with the US, but who can't these days?  It's not the US or the UN that North Korea should be worrying about, they've successfully caught the attention of both Japan and China, and these two countries have enough resources to make a difference if not eliminated the threat. 10/10/2006


The Hezbollah seems to have outsmarted both the US and UN by helping with reconstruction, providing money and aid for those that lost in Lebanon while the US stated "that was a good idea."  All I have to say is "what the hell is wrong with our "do nothing congress" and "Johnny come lately" President?" 10/08/2006


Now that Russia is getting back on its feet, it might be time to get out some of those old nuke and clean them up a little.  10/07/2006




Hezbollah causes bloodshed between Lebanon and Israel as Lebanon's government allows Hezbollah to fire from Lebanon territories.  In defense, Israel prepares to attack Lebanon which could cause the next Israeli conflict. When will the Middle East countries realize yelling, screaming, hatred, torture and killing is not the way to peace or Heaven?  07/21/2006


Mexico has an economic agenda and the US is the major contributor.  With Mexico's  second most revenue coming from the US, why would Mexican President  Vicente Fox want to stop migrant workers and illegal aliens from sneaking across the boarder to America?  There's little talk about Mexico building a wall or adding additional security along US/Mexican boarders, because less migration would only cost Mexico billions.  So let's place the blame where blame is do, Mexico!  05/23/2006  


Trusted friend of President Bush, Priminister Tony Blair's popularity sinks lower today, and Priminister Tony Blair decides to end his term short.  I for one think Tony Blair was not only a great friend of the US but also one of the best British politicians we've seen in years.  Full story.  05/10/2006


Gas: The world is starting to feel the impact of rising fuel prices and they're starting to look at self indulging fat America.  The US produces 2% of the world's gasoline, but consumes 25% of  the worlds fuel.  SUVs, lack of mass transit, huge homes and luxurious living with little or no environmental policies point to the US as an example of waste, greed and over indulgence.

When you're filling up your gas hog, look in the mirror and say "self centered American." 05/03/2006


The United Nations needs to take more responsibility for world events, not only has the UN taken little or no initiative in Iraq, Iran and North Korea, but they are allowing America to appears as if it is the only world power with an agenda.  America wouldn't be in Iraq if the UN would have stepped up to the table and take proactive steps.  It's time for new leadership in the UN and America!  04/19/2006


Why do the Iraqis want the US out of Iraq?  They don't have a real military or strong police force in place and their country seems to be torn along old sectarian lines?  It would seem like the Iraqis would want the US troops to stay until things settle down a little, but then again, it would also seem like Iraq would want peace without violence instead of going around randomly killing each other. 03/23/2006


I was for the war against Saddam and his moron military, but it really is a shame President Bush didn't get the generators, water and State and local police departments up and running in Iraq as soon as we supposedly won the war.  As far as the looting, robbing, and killing, I blame this on the US and European press.  After all, if they didn't point out everything that was negative over and over again, most of us would have thought Bush was right, the war was over.  Instead the press keeps giving a blow-by-blow like it's a play-by-play only all designed to negatively portray President Bush and our military.  Have you ever heard anyone on the news talk about where the US spent its billions in Iraq, or how the young men and women in our military gave their lives for doing what they thought was their duty.  I'm personally ashamed and embarrassed to hear either the US or European press give their slanted views.  


You know, I really think the press just doesn't understand we re-elected President Bush, he wasn't assigned the job, therefore someone must have been behind him.  03/23/2006


Hamas, the new leadership in Palestine appears to be yet another giant step backward for all peaceful countries around the world and another sign of Arab extreme fanaticism.  How can any group, individual or religion think the suffering, murder and torturing of others will look good in God's eyes, including the US? 03/11/2006


The Palestinian people simply won't rest until Jerusalem belongs to them and Israel is eliminated.  Since we know what the Palestinian goals are, what should America do with/for Israel?  I personally feel Israel has been way to  concessionatory with the Palestinians.  Arafat was a pin head and represented the Palestinian people, teaching hatred and animosity whenever he wasn't pined down by the Israelis.  Bush doesn't seem to be much better when it comes to foreign public opinion, but the nice thing about America is that we bash or leaders on a regular basis and we really don't go out an kill others because of how our leaders feel, or do we?  Maybe there really is little difference, and maybe we need to sit down and re-think our polices with the Palestinians and Israel.  We need a continuing dialogue and we need the Palestinians State's economy to grow, which will in turn pay for better education, jobs and an economic life that might eventually lead to peace.  Wars, segregation, separation and illumination all only maintain the status quo which is sad and fruitless.  Good luck to the Palestinians, Israelis and America. 12/09/2005


Iran' new president recently stated Israel should be eliminated and seems to have the majority of Iranian's support.  So what are we waiting for, another 911 in Israel, England or the US?  Let's give Iran some action!  I know most of you don't have a clue as to how serious this threat is, but for me, I take it very seriously; Iran's new leader should either resign or let's give him some military attention.  I'm sick and tiered of hearing countries yelling and screaming about how bad the U.S. is and how they want to kill all of us.  You babies can sit on the side lines until someone in your family is seriously hurt by these pin heads or you can take a stand.  I for one, would rather know I'm in a fight then to have someone jabbing me in the back with a knife without know who they are or why they don't like me.  I personally don't care why they hate us, so let's face the issues and do what it takes.  Many of the Iranians would kill you or your children without any remorse, so get your head straight and face the music.  Let's give them what they want.  HT/ON 10/29/2005 


If you want to help the situation in Iraq, we need to start by helping the Iraqi's economy, they need jobs, electricity, food, trade, fuel etc.  And the world needs to realize we (the U.S.) made a mistake in stating "weapons of mass destruction."  They may or may not have had them and they may or may not have been working on the technologies, but the simple fact is Saddam wouldn't allow the inspector to do their job and continued to play games with these issues.  Saddam was repeatedly warned and the Arab world seemed to support his games.  So Saddam and his followers got what they asked for.  But this doesn't excuse the U.S. for not helping the infrastructure of Iraq and from providing jobs, food, water and education in Iraq.  

I do believe many of the people hate the U.S. and their allies, however we would probably hate them too if they had all the military and economic power.  But then again, they'd just kill us all. Jenny 09/21/2005



The only way to end the terrorist attacks is to "Fight fire with wire!"  Instead of funding half assed efforts to prevent terrorism we need to spend twice the amount of money on investigations and rewards, then  ratchet this thing up a notch!



What's your suggestion regarding our fight against terror?  <- click here to respond!



All of America's pass wars and confrontations have gone the same way, rhetoric, diplomacy, and embargos.  The embargos actually get results but it take years.  The rhetoric only creates more American Big Guy hatred and the diplomacy only works when our enemies feel beaten.   So beat them quickly, then let the games begin!  CM/IL 08/11/2005 



4 explosions in London cause injuries but no deaths. See CNN for details.  America and Great Britain should take more extreme steps against terrorist movements.  Temporality stop all trade with countries expected or implicated in terrorist activities.  This would place pressure those countries to take proactive steps.  I noticed your web site seems to be against the media in general, although I do not agree that the media is against us I do agree they should suspend all mentioning of terrorist groups claiming to take responsibility, this just furthers their cause.   07/21/2005



Cowardly Terrorist attached our friends in London.  These terrorist organizations that claim responsibility should be punished.  Freedom of speech should only go so far, it doesn't give anyone the right to promote terror, suffering or pain on anyone!  07/08/2005 



Allen Greenspan worries most about inflation while the rest of the world worry about jobs and food.  I don't care if gas is $10.00 a gallon if my salary goes up accordingly.



Does Allen Greenspan know his quarterly interest rate hicks not only hurt the US already slow growing economy, but the world's as well?  Someone tell Allen to stop the interest hicks before he puts the world back in another recession like he did last time! 04/26/2005 T/MA




Now that the tsunami headlines are gone, let's not forget those in need.  Give what you can.

You'll feel good about yourself.

Tsunami Donation Sites


What's the reason the US needs to act as the world's keeper when it has so many injustices within its own borders?  High crime rates, poverty, corporate scandals, stock market manipulation, price fixing, government private interest alignment etc.  Shouldn't  the US take care of its own people first?  And please, don't give me that bit about "is your country any better?"  The US needs to take a good long look at itself.  There's some reason the most of the world despises the US.   (02/05/2005)


President Bush, please keep your nose out of the Ukraine's affairs, the rest of the world already hates you/us enough! 12/03/2004


President Bush, wake up, send more troops to Iraq or get out! In almost every war or confrontation America has proven to only go only as far as 'half assed' will do.  If my kids were in Iraq, I'd give them everything they need and fight most of the battles with blockades and long range weaponry.  I'm starting to believe most Americans have forgotten all the past TV coverage of the Iraq people yelling death to American.  If we would have lost in Iraq, don't think the Iraq people would be over hear to rebuild our country.  11/20/2004 KM/Illinois


Looks like Moktada al-Sadr and his merry men will be walking away free this weekend.  How damn stupid can we (U.S.) be?  CC/NY (08/27/2004)


08/19/2004 The US Military has Moktada al-Sadr pined down in a shrine in Najaf, Moktada states he will disband the Mahdi Army and transform it into a political party.  Well of coarse he would say this, I would to if I were pined down.  Are we going to make another Palestinian Arafat?  I say eliminate them like they have been saying they would do to us!  Are we really that stupid?  BR/OH


I heard today (08/03/2004) on NPR radio our FBI and Homeland Security are relying on 3 year old Al-Qaida information.  NPR  also mentioned although this seems like old information, Al-Qaida sometimes take as long as 10 years to plan an attack.  Doesn't this sound like we should scrap both the FBI and Homeland Security and start fresh with at least someone with a little sense of reality?  08/04/2004 


U.S. Military announced; there may be as many as 20,000 terrorist, enemy combatiennce and Iraq loyalist still left in Iraq.  Well da!.?#~@  If so, then it  should be easy for you guys to find them shouldn't it?  It real gets me that we spend so much money and waste so many human lives when we could concentrate on the Iraq economy, then let a prospering Iraq take care of itself. (07/09/2004)


I was watching the Abrams Report on TV tonight (06/22/2004) as Mr. Abrams asked an expert on Al-Qa'ida which method should the U.S. take to stop Al-Qa'ida, keep searching for Al-Qa'ida members or simply just accept they'll always be around.  They both overlooked the obvious, it's the news coverage that gives our enemies all the press coverage and support they're looking for.  Each kidnapping or killing of U.S. troops are plaster on every TV channel and radio station around the world along with the group that claims responsibility.  If we just stopped publishing each Al-Qa'ida atrocity, the Al-Qa'ida wouldn't be able to let their followers know what new damage they've accomplished.  (06/22/2004) 


I personally don't understand why the U.S. caters to France, Spain and Germany.  All three countries have had to rely on the U.S. for aid, support and friendship over the years and yet all three act like the U.S. owes them a debt of gratitude.  ME/MA (06/15/2004)


"Unanimously adopting a U.N. resolution backing Iraqi sovereignty and giving the new Iraq leaders control over a U.S.-led force" is a major setback for both U.S. and Iraq.  The U.S. military acting as security forces for Iraq will be seen by every special interest group as the enemy and supporter of a government not selected by the people of Iraq.  Iraq religious wars will continue unless Iraq is fairly divided in to 18 separate countries. (06/09/2004) JT/MI 


Iraq's new Priminister isn't that hot on the US, but then again, neither are the rest of the Iraqis. (06/01/2004)


If the Iraq people aren't willing to help themselves, why should we be concerned?  Let's bring our troops home!  LK/Michigan 05/26/2004


Is it possible a religion can support hatred and killing of others just because others don't believe as they do?  What kind of a God would that be?  Personally, my sole isn't worth killing someone else over.  PT/WI 05/23/2004 

----- stated "The deadly rush-hour bombings in Madrid fueled an aggressive stock sell-off Thursday on both sides of the Atlantic and, more broadly, cast a pall over the entire week."  My email to reads "Where do you get your information?  

The "deadly rush-hour bombings in Madrid" had nothing to do with the recent stock sell offs with exception of maybe in Spain.  The economy, job lose, bipartisan bashing and the idiot (good old Allen Greenspan) is enough to make everyone sell.  I think we'd all be better off betting on the horses, at least someone will.

P.S. I hope you're not paying anyone for your information, if so, you're being ripped off!" (03/14/2004)


"Food, jobs and elections are needed now in Iraq, workout the details, lawsuits and unfair distribution problems later.  Special interest groups are exactly what's making every country hate America."  LS/OH 03/11/2004


"If the U.S. allows proliferation of nuclear weaponry,  our future as a world power is certain to be short lived.  The U.S. has only two bargaining tools, military and trade.  The U.N. has proven it no longer looks to the U.S. for guidance or leadership, and only concerned when aid is needed.  Our jobs and technologies have all but gone overseas in favor of the all mighty dollar and our technologies all come from abroad.  American ingenuity is not going to keep America safe forever.  I believe the U.S. is helping build its own guillotine."   (02/15/2004) SR/FL


A view from one of our very troubled readers:  "Pakistan apologizes after getting caught selling nuclear information to Libya and elsewhere.  So what's going to be our reaction this time?  Nothing?  After all, how can Bush do anything?  Every time he does act or says anything negative about any country true or not, he gets bashed by the press and Democrats.  By the way, where was our intelligence on this one?  Were they on top of things like their suppose to be or did this one simply get by them like everything else?  I'm beginning to believe our Intelligence committees really aren't that intelligent, in fact even our military really isn't run as well as I thought it was.  After all, with all the new technology and money supposedly at their figure tips, why is it our soldiers are having to fight a war in the streets of Iraq instead of on the battle field?  Didn't we supposedly liberated the Iraq people?

When I think of the economic side of things like our  Federal Reserve board chairman, Allen Greenspan, this guy has never heard of being optimistic, he's doom and gloom 24/7 and he's obviously never heard of retirement.  I know that the press likes Mr. Greenspan, but why?  Is it the negativity they like?  He's always been way to late when it came to reducing the interest rates and now his pre-mature talks about raising the reserve rates are confusing at best and terrible for our economic recovery.  Personally, I'm glad to see the Yen and Euro high, now may be some of these countries will start purchasing more from the U.S., which helps our economy.  Of course we still have time for Greenspan to ruin it.  So let's wait and see how long it takes for him to start the interest hicks.

We are a country of mismatched state laws, most state governments, police departments and intelligence gathering agencies won't or can't share data with each other.  At the same time our country has a history of crime and yet, always opted for "early out" jail sentences  just to save a buck.  It also seems that only our politicians, lawmakers, movie and sports stars receive fair treatment when it comes to the occasional brush with the law.  Not to change the subject but what's with all the junk on TV?  The violence, sex and continuous beeping out of the way-to-often swear words.  This can't be good for the moral fiber of our country, if there is such a thing any more..

Even President Bush's "no child left behind" isn't working, unless we do like they did in Texas, lower the grade standards.  If we're not careful, we won't have any schools receiving government aid.  After all, it's exactly these intercity schools that aren't getting the needed grades, education and environment, and yet they'll be the first to be cut.  Personally, I know my kids do twice the homework as I used to have to do when I was a kid, and what's funny is the school system has sent numerous notes home demanding parents spend more time helping their children with homework and taking a more of an active part in school programs.  Do they forget that as parents, we not only help with homework each night, but we need to get some sleep to be able to work the next day and pay for our homes, car, utility, college education fund, charge card payment and retirement, if there is such a thing as retirement.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping our children whenever possible.  Unfortunately when your children reach high school, most parents aren't able to help.   Which brings me to my next point, college tuitions, how can the average pay rate decrease as people are having to work for less pay, while school tuitions keep rising?  Do the people that run these colleges know anything about the current economic woes?  I sometimes think their totally out of the loop.  You never hear about any college president, instructor or coach taking a pay cut because of lowering funding, yet you hear how the colleges cut library hours, raise tuition and keep on building these multi-million dollar sports and tech centers.  If I have to take a cut in pay, so should these profs! 

You know, even our inter-cities aren't safe.  Whenever you travel you're warned to watch out for certain areas in just about any big town or city.  Most of this is because our poor are getting poorer, while we're giving millions away to countries that hate us.

I'm sorry that I've rambled on, and I don't expect you to print all this, but I just don't see a lot of good in what we, as a country are doing."  OB/AL (02/09/2004)



"Now that Saddam has been captured, why aren't we hearing anything good or bad that he has to say?   It's almost as if he's still loose."  ZM/TN (02/05/2004)


"I see the Democrats and the press are turning up the heat about not finding WMD in Iraq.  You know what?  I don't care if they find any.  I guess everyone has forgotten how Saddam kept playing games with the U.N. inspectors and how Saddam killed thousands of his own people, his invasion of Kuwait and how he was going to wage the "mother of all wars" against the U.S.  I just don't care if we find any or not.  I'm proud of President Bush for doing what he felt was necessary instead of sitting on his thumbs like the rest of the world.  If you look around, for the first time, you see North Korea, Iran and Libya talking about setting aside some of our differences.  Viva Bush!"  CC/SC (01/25/2004) 


"The U.S. will be allowing Canada, Germany, France and Russia to bid on reconstruction in Iraq.  This is bull!  Our country sacrificed hundreds of soldiers lives because these same countries wouldn't stand together against Iraq before the war.   Had they done so; Saddam would have had to comply, but, by being wishy-washy the war on Iraq was needed, otherwise we would still be playing the cat and mouse game.  I don't believe we should do anything that includes these fair-weather-friends when it comes to Iraq.  Politics as usual for the U.S. kiss-butts politicians." (01/16/2004)


35,000 people die in Iran earthquake, what form of assistance should the U.S.  offer? (01/04/2004)


"Why is it that the U.S. and other countries are dissolving all debts owed by Iraq?  They're giving our hard earned money to people that would just as soon nuke us.  Besides, it's my money, not  President Bush's!  Let him give some of his own money away if he feels so charitable!"  (01/02/2004)


"Nothing gets an economy moving like a good war."  Although I don't believe there is such a thing as a "good war," over the past 100 years war has been an economic boost to the U.S.  So why has the press and stock market continually saying the war in Iraq is bad for both our economy and the stock market? (12/23/2003)


The world may allow the Iraqis to place Saddam on trial by tribunal.  Well fine, but what would we think if they decide Saddam is innocent and want him back in power or free?  (12/18/2003)

Keep the pressure on the Saddam supporters!

The U.S. needs to do more for Iraq, not less!  This is no time to pull our troops out.  We need to be in this 100% or this will turn into another Vietnam.  56% Agree

Food, water, jobs and paychecks could be one of the best means to keep Iraqi's from turning on Coalition Forces. 11/24/2003  58% Agree


President Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair in Britain 11/19/2003

I'm tiered of hearing complains about the Coalition Forces occupying Iraq, doesn't anyone remember Saddam?

Iraq will start taking control of their own country by June of 2004, will they be ready?  76% No!


Iraq citizens grow stronger on democratic freedoms, while the US citizens support grows weaker!

Wake up America, it's a tough world out there!



"With all the major corporations moving out of the US for lower wages, taxes etc, how long will it be before the US is no longer an economic super power?  After all, there's one thing we know; "history repeats itself" and this has happened time and time again." JB/MA


What should the US do to keep our corporations home?  Put pride behind every US made product and service,  and buy American!  After all, if you thought Mexico and Taiwan were tough to deal with, just wait until you get a taste of China!  12/09/2003


Bush and Blair, fought for national security while the world stands by and watches.  Where do you stand?


N.A.F.T.A. (Mexico +10 billion, Canada +20 billion, USA minus $30,000,000,000.00!)


Truck bomb explodes outside the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad.


Tony Blair should leave the UK and run for U.S. office!  32%


Pentagon goes crazy (July 29, 2003)


Cuba's human rights take another step back in time.  What do you think about US/Cuban relations? Getting better 9%


Will the Iraqi's wait for democracy?


Will they find WMD in Iraq? 52%


Saddam's ouster, was it necessary? 74%


China cracks down on SARS


America, damned if you do!


World Terrorism


Iraqi Press


United Nations, nothing as usual


Abu Dhabi newest Saddam Video


Lots of SCAMMERS this year!

Scams, con-artist, crooks, and thieves

Alexander Shannin, this lowlife claims to work with "re-profiling funds over 25 million dollars. 09/25/2007

American Express Cardhold Look Alike Scam 05/27/2007

Global Max Courier Company Scam 05/27/2007

The National Lottery, 05/13/2007

StarGate 05/31/2006

Surplus Sourcing Group 01/24/2006

Altex Computer, 01/24/2006

Ultra Computer, CA 01/24/2006


30 year anniversary awards 01/23/2006


UK National Lottery 01/22/2006



Watchout for James Fisher, 9903 Angromeda Dr., Burke VA 2009 Computer parts scammer, he's not to smart, but he's persistent!  01/20/2006  James Fisher's emails: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Osterreichische Lotterien SCAM 1/11/2006

Sales manager John Andrews Nigeria

Chairman CEO:Menatep SBP Bank SCAM 01/05/2006

Citi Bank impersonator 09/21/2005

Alexei Zakharenko (SCAMMER!) 9/06/2005

2nd from Cheung Pui


Sani Hamza 08/27/2005

AOL just keeps on scamming people.  I've called AOL numerous time trying to drop their service, yet each time I speak with their "specialist" they give me this bunk about not being able to credit more than 3 months back, at the same time they switch me from one "specialist" to another until they either hang up or disconnect.  Even my credit card company (Chase) seems to be in on this game, Chase won't go back more than 3 months  even though I've called and mailed both AOL and Chase demanding AOL not charge my credit card long ago.  How in the hell can I get off of AOL and get my money back? 11/22/2004 Michigan

AOL has scammed me for the last time; each time I ask AOL to drop their service, they either find a way of disconnect, or they  insist I accept 2 or 3 months for free hoping I later forget how much I dislike them.  AOL simply won't disconnect as I've asked numerous times.  What can I do? 08/19/2004 JL


Web Scrapper Companies



- About SPAM -


Report SPAM found on or received through Yahoo  05/31/2006


Report SPAM found or received through Google.


SPAMMERS Reported 10/29/2005

Every wonder which companies create all the SPAM?  Here's a short list of SPAMMERS! 09/06/2005

People and companies that love to send SPAM!

People and Companies that are responsible for sending un-requested bulk email (SPAM) SPAMMERS for 2005

SPAM from RHYOLITE.COM 09/06/2005

SPAM from

Fighting SPAM: states they have no control over SPAM that comes from the sites located on their servers.  So who does?


Scam claims to need a representative in the US and will pay you 10% of their potential collections of $12,000,000.00 ****SCAM****

SCAM from the UK National Lottery 11/22/2004

----- &, what do they really do?  (01/15/2004) related issue.


2005 Jeep Wranglers and Jeep Robicon are no more road worthy when compared to other current model vehicles then the old 1975 Jeep CJ5s and CJ7s were.  The 2005 Jeep Wranglers and Jeep Rubicon ride and handle terribly while offering some of the worse fuel economy of any 2500 lb vehicle, about 11-14mpg highway!   Maybe Chrysler should just have Japan take over their manufacturing.  ST/CA (06/15/2004)


Next big trend in technology: Standard PDA equipped with wireless, satellite screaming radio, Internet capabilities, photo, phone with voice recognition software. (01/23/2004)


SEC complaint against Scottrade 2004

----- advertises $7.00 trades yet they charge up to 75% more ($12.00,) while not answering their support emails!  Also, their new Java streamer is suppose to replace the older streamer, however it just doesn't work on my computer.  I've called Scottrade over and over yet they simply do nothing.  What can I do and why isn't their a regulatory agency that oversees companies like Scottrade and E-trade?  (01/15/2004)

-----, I placed a 'buy', later in the day; I canceled it.  The following day I was notified that Scottrade made the purchase and I owed them $9,000.00 for over purchasing with my account while using their system.  When I explained about canceling, Scottrade said "that the breaks," they are not responsible for their software, "did you read the disclaimer when you joined?  You owe Scottrade $9,000.00."  Reporting this to the S.E.C. did nothing, the S.E.C. stated Scottrade should take care of the purchase at no cost to me, however the S.E.C couldn't make them do anything. (01/14/2004)


I reported an online company to Internic, CANN and the registrar for emailing hundreds of SPAM emails to my company and employees.  Each said they could do nothing.  Who can handle SPAM?  (01/13/2004)


AOL has a problem understanding "cancel" but the same AOL employees know what "one more month" means.  So what language does AOL speak?

Can not cancel AOL!!!  S/OH (1/25/2004)

AOL has a math problem, not an English problem.  Well, maybe both. 12/11/2003


DB/CA (01/01/2004)


MCI Worldcom slame-dunks Michigan resident.  11/17/2003


AOL Award Center, call us if you decide to cancel?#!????  It can't be done!

----- / / web hosting business complaints!

Stock-market, are you still in?


K-Mart getting better!  72% like the new inventory and lower pricing.  "Now if K-Mart could only work on their employee customer relations and presentation.  Is K-Mart turning into "the hood" kind of place with all the employee street talk?"


It wasn't 9/11 that sent the stock market tumbling... 52%


Wal-Mart's prices really that low? 68%


Sears, have we forgotten about their old tricks; bate and switch, unscrupulous auto mechanics, remanufactured Die Hard batteries and more?  I think they've come a long way.


Best Buy, where's the support? 70%


Big Boy's Restaurant are they a dieing bread?  71%


CDW states they have a 100% satisfaction guaranty, but they don't!   71%


Customers always right?  D/California (01/01/2004)


Etrade 81%


FitnessGear4Less, where's the product support?   21%


Ford Motor Company drops voluntary EPA efforts in favor of a  better bottom line!  59%


Fuel prices  65%


Internet Treasure Chest  18% Seized!  Complaint 11/17/2003


Juno's Speed Band 52% approval


Circuit City/ Crucial, Bogus Rebates  47%


IRS taxes still to complicated.   92%


Kohl's Department Store, under staffed, low  quality merchandise, varied pricing, great return policies.  91% approval.


Lowe's Home Improvement 98% approval.

----- 64%


Paypal  89%


If Pre-Paid Legal Services have treated you unfairly, please let us know!

Prepaid legal  66% complaints

Prepaid Legal Rip-Off

Prepaid Legal Complaint #1

Prepaid Legal Services Complaint #2


"Waterbeds West" and "Sullivan's Furniture and Carpet" of Grand Rapids, Michigan (28th St.)  2 out of 2 customer reported less then fair practices after the sale.  Satisfaction rating 0%.


Submit an issue or response!

Click HERE!


Fun things:   

From Bill Cosby


(1) "Press 1 for English" is immediately banned. English is the official language; speak it or wait at the border until you can.
(2) We will immediately go into a two year isolationist posture to  straighten out the country's attitude. NO imports, no exports.  We will use the 'Wal-Mart's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.'
(3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it.
(4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border. (six month tour) They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.
(5) Social security will immediately return to its original state.  If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. Neither the president nor any other politician will be able to touch it.

(6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40 hour school week and the successful completion of urinalysis and a passing grade.
(7) Professional Athletes --Steroids - The FIRST time you check positive you're banned for life.
(8) Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method, the first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There are no more life sentences.  If convicted, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for your victim; gun, knife, strangulation, etc.
(9) One export will be allowed; Wheat, The world needs to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil
(10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the national debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.
(11) The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress.
(12) The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.
Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes but a vote for me will get you better than what you have, and better than what you're gonna get.  Thanks for listening, and remember to write in my name on the ballot in November!

                 God Bless America !!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Bill Cosby!!!!!!!!


Advise from any old Tennessee mountain man.

Electric Car, the Aptera  Economy can fee sexy

Check out the Carver


When it comes to drug boats, you never can have to much horsepower!


If you have kids, look at this:  I will never complain about my kids again!  Click here!


Global warming, what global warming?  Click here


When geeks have to much time on their hands.


AOL releases 650,000 user's search activities to the public!


Is Google tracking you?


New Category: Trade Complaints 



After 14 years of business, I finally added a second line to my home and changed my AT&T phone service from my business to my home (remote call forwarding AT&T calls it) only to start receiving collection letters and over 10 calls from Alliance Collection Legal Service which identifies themselves as attorneys representing AT&T (none of which could speak English and not one had records of past conversationsith them regarding the "remote call forwarding.  Then finally after two months of emailing, calling and writing AT&T, finally I was told the collection company should stop calling within the next two weeks.


What a bunch of B.S., AT&T has no accountability to anyone and their foreign attorneys need a lesson on how to talk to AT&T customers without threatening and yelling about something they knew nothing about.



1.) Why does AT&T direct customers to go online, and not to call, only to hide the AT&T email addresses, then direct the customer to call?
2.) Why is the AT&T telephone number not clearly stated on the AT&T bills?
3.) Why doesn't the AT&T automated phone system offer '0' for a live attendant?
4.) Why is it ok to have AT&T's customer spend 10 minutes or more on the phone pushing buttons, learning AT&T's system, when it could have taken only a couple of minutes to talking with a live attendant?
5.) What makes AT&T a good choice for phone service when AT&T doesn't seem to care about customer care and convenience? 08/28/2007


HK Inventory,, WARNING: DON'T PAY UP FRONT UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET RIPPED OFF!  Our company has posted about 50 products we're looking for at  off of our HKInventory listing we have received  hundreds of suppliers that claimed to have the exact product at great prices.    Unfortunately 100% of the offers ended up being B.S., and not one could deliver the products as agreed, while over 95% of the suppliers wanted to change the payment options as they went along and all ended up wanting T/T electronic funds transfer in advance, without offering security other than the normal "trust us".    In the end, and after wasting 90 days, not one of the companies actually had the parts.


As far as our company is concerned, should be removed from the Internet, what a complete waste of time!  We've never seen such a bunch of con artist.



I've heard one of our airline companies (I think it's Delta Airlines)  might be coming out of bankruptcy early.  All Delta needs to do is void all their existing stock leaving John Q Public holding stocks worth nothing, in favor of a new stock offering which will be given to each of the commercial lending institutions that helped bail out the airlines.  Wow, that sounds normal for corporate American, what a great idea!  After all, the little investors can't lose much, they don't have much, right? 05/08/2007


National Public Radio (NPR) used to be my favorite radio station to listen to, at least up until about 6PM when they turn the station over to a group of anti-whites.  I really have to wonder how many hundred years has to go by before the Afro-American/Blacks or whatever will stop blaming Whites for everything wrong in their life.  Personally this reminds me of someone with an ex-wife or ex-husband, and every time you see them, they complain about their ex.  Enough already, stop the B.S. and move on!


Every few months my cell phone bill seems to creep up because of add-ons and extra unannounced charges by Sprint.  Lately I've been hearing other say the same thing about their statements.  Is this legal?


Classic case of unfairness in America's legal system: Why is it that if a congressman, policy office or highway worker are killed, the world is on a full scale alert, but when you or I or our children have a crime committed against us, it takes months and in many times years to get any results?


American Airlines has your money and your itinerary has been confirmed, so all's well, right?  Not really!  There might not be a delay, but that doesn't protect you from American Airlines leaving you at the airport because they decided to leave early, unannounced!  Click here for details 01/05/2007 


I have a job for life, thanks to Microsoft, AOL, Epson, HP, Compaq, Dell, Lenovo etc!  These companies insure I will always be needed, each time Microsoft release software, there's new bugs to fixed, compatibility issues etc, and with companies like AOL, Epson, HP/Compaq, and Dell charging their own customers to fix their own "not ready for resale" products, I'm covered there too.  So thank you Microsoft, Dell, HP, Epson, Lenovo, NetGear and all you other technical companies that release their products before they're ready!  Happy New Year from one happy tech!



Madonna's adoption:  It's a shame Madonna has to feel as though so many people are against everything she does, of course much of the attention she's brought a pond herself, but the adoption is a great act of love, kindness and hope.  I for one, hope Madonna doesn't think the news speaks for all of us and personally I hope no one ever thinks the news reporters speak for me. 11/01/2006


The companies that are responsible for sending SPAM are not just the companies that send it, it's the companies that benefit from the SPAM.  So when you receive SPAM, contact or email the company the SPAM is attempting to promote and let them know you will never buy product or services from their company as long as they continue to solicit SPAM. 10/30/2006


Overseas trade can be a risky proposition even when you think you have connection, just ask Bente from IESA, better yet read the complete correspondence and learn about overseas trade, SINO STAR TRADING CO and a fellow named Rohit. 10/11/2006



American gas guzzlers can't seem to fight off those economy minded imports, why is that?  You'd think after 30 years of declining US automobile sales, Detroit and the like would have their shit together.  Why not simply build good looking, functional economy cars, trucks and vans? 9/20/2006.


Tony Blair is planning to leave office shortly after the first of the year, there goes out last real ally.  09/19/2006


America seems to has a unionized work force with no sense of business and a white collar executive team for leadership with no sense of reality.  So why is the US just now figuring out fuel economy, quality and styling just could be the ingredients that saves their asses?  07/21/2006 


People in other countries don't hate American citizens, they simply had American policies and policy makers.  So why don't we reevaluate our policies and re-elect new politicians that can and will represent Americans? 05/24/2006


Why is the US spending so little on alternative fuel research?  Can anyone answer this?


CardServices International Dispute! 05/03/2006


Have you ever been approached by timeshare representatives while on vacation?  Well I have, twice and my most recent experience to Puerto Vallarta Mexico was worse than dealing with a lawyer.  The representative was actually a nice guy, but the bump guy, Caesar, was a complete jerk, you know the type, one of those that has all the answers and won't let anyone talk but himself.  It's really to bad the timeshare people didn't stick with Mexican sales people.  Let's face it, the Mexican people are great and always there to please, and yet this company chose to select an ass from American.  Wouldn't a name like Caesar have warned them this guy is a real ass?  Anyways, I wanted to write you and let your your viewers know; stay away from timeshares!  I'd rather spend more and be able to stay clear of pushy 3rd grade educated, ex-car salesmen. 04/24/ 2006


I purchased a vacation to Disney for my family and I get to the airport and the reservations were canceled and they have not returned my money $2,244.00 no vacation and no money.. 04/23/2006 Subject Disney Vacation


Visitor wants to know: Which gas stations are owned by which corporations?  And are any less "evil" than another?  I'd like to embrace my consumer power but it is difficult to find reliable information about these companies. 04/20/2006  Please post your replies to Subject Gas stations.


More Issues        Submit your view!

Zebra Muscles are invading US waters without many clear prevention methods.  Cleaning boat bottoms, live wells etc help, but are just about useless when it comes to preventing the spread of Zebra Muscles.  This little creature can live in just about any type of lake, river or stream and is amazing when it comes to proliferation.   So what can we do to kill off the existing Zebra Muscles in our waters?  Responses to the Zebra Muscle epidemic can be address here, click me.


President Bush Defense 05/04/2006


SPAM, it's on the move!,, ( are at it again!  Are you being bombarded by unwanted email (SPAM?)  Contact Lycos, Quote & by phone 1-781-370-2700 privacy issues or online:

dns-admin@LYCOS-INC.COM's sending you spoofed email, contact by email:



Overcharging on collect calls from International Satellite Communications while staying at Barcelo Hotels in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic 05/10/2006

Regarding Zero Plus Dialing, Inc. / International Satellite Communications My family and I  took an AppleVacation "all inclusive vacation" to Barcelo Ixtapa Beach Resorts.   I must say initially I was impressed with the arrangement made by AppleVacation.  The flight was great, the ride to Barcelo Ixtapa Beach Resort and their services were definitely outstanding.  Great people!  And I wished my story ended here, but of course it doesn't.  While staying at Barcelo Ixtapa Beach Resorts I was told I needed to call home.  Before calling my wife said I should ask how much the call was because she has heard of many travelers being bilked out their money calling long distance.  So I did.  Initially I asked the Bell Hop at the front entrance of Barcelo, he thought it should cost about $5.00 American money, from there I went back to the room and spoke to my wife and was told to call the front desk or operator.  So I did.  Here again they felt it wasn't much and said I wouldn't have any problems.  So I called and spoke to my son for 7 minutes.  Guess what?  That 7 minute call cost me $58.66!  I was shocked, so I call International Satellite Communication Services and was read a prepared statement ending by stating I could contest the call through our local phone company but the hotel nor International Satellite Communication would offer or make any reductions.  My point is, there's a thief in every country, town and office, this thief has cost AppleVacation, Barcelo Ixtapa Beach Resorts and International Satellite Communications services my business.

You can't make money by cheating people and I'll remember not to do business with any of these thieves in the future.  Pirates at Zero Plus Dialing, Inc. (1-888-502-0734 and 1-800-460-0756.)  05/23/2005 JT/MI



Bankruptcy Stop allowing business and individuals the legal loopholes of bankruptcy.  All profiting parties should be held  financially responsible until the total amount of money is replayed.  Many Corporations, LLC, Inc and individually use bankruptcy court to simply and painlessly wipe out old debt, then start out fresh which hurts everyone that has extended them credit in good faith.  If you have a debt, PAY IT!


Why does it cost money to obtain a copy of my own credit report when I've never giving Experion  authorization to track my personal records?  These credit companies are not part of any government agency and should not have the right to collect, record or sell  personal credit information. 02/24/2005


Complaint against Citizens Insurance Company:  I called my "local" Citizens Insurance agency asking what my policies covered, a week later I received a phone message that they had been trying to contact me.  So I called again, this time my representative was out to lunch, so I waited.  Never did get a return call, but I did receive a cancellation notice.  When I tried to go online to Citizens there was no contact information or method of making an online payment, next I called Citizens but there was no option to speak with a real person.  So now I'm stuck with expired insurance, an overdue payment and possibly a State penalty for not carrying proper insurance.  This is just another sign of big business not knowing how to run a business.  They might be worth millions but they'll have to do without my money.   Is there an insurance company that really do care about their customers?  02/14/2005



Negativity pays!


Watch out for 'spyware' pop-ups, they are the spyware.  Even Google is now tracking its users with their new 'pop-up blocker.'  What can a person do to prevent 'spyware' besides staying off the Internet? 12/02/2004


Racial and religious stereotyping seems to be the rage on TV  lately?  Comedy Central and others seem to think slamming all segments of society, both foreign and stateside is the only thing that's funny these days.  Is this another form of "Reality TV?"  I guess we're back to the 60s.  And this means, 5 to 10 years from now, we'll be talking about the early 2000s as being totally racist.  My it's funny how history repeats itself. We just never seem to learn our lessons.   LD/CA (08/26/2004)


Microsoft's Windows XP Professional is no more user friendly then it is a real plug-and-play environment.  Microsoft should be forced to offer free tech support instead of making the customer waste hours searching the net for someone else's resolutions and re-configurations.

I heard last week that Marta Stewart probably won't spend any real time in jail, and  her magazine company profited about 90 million dollars in stock revenues, because of Martha's case.  So, does anyone have any inside trader information they would like to share?  We'll split it. (08/03/2004) 


I only have one thing to say about John Edwards, "say cheese and thumbs up", because this is all he has to offer.   He's a typical politician.  (07/09/2004)


Actor, singer Glenn Campbell was sentence 7 days in jail, $900 and 70 hours of community service, however Glenn also receives 12 hours off each day as a form of work release.  How fair is this?  If you or I were involved in a 'hit and run' we'd be in prison not jail and we surely wouldn't get time off for work.  So when will the legal system get fair with their punishments?  As the old saying goes; "it depends on who you are and who you know." (06/15/2004)


New vehicle EPA fuel economy is BULL!  If the EPA is suppose to watch out for the consumer, then why are most, if not all, EPA fuel stickers more then 20% higher then the actual fuel economy the vehicle gets?  We don't live in a near vacuum environment so why are EPA performed in a near vacuum environment? SS/MN (06/14/2004)


I had a lot of love for President Regan, however I also remember when Regan was President and remember watching the little guy's interests go right out the window in favor of supply side economics and big business profits.  Yes, it, along with many other things, finally got our economy back on track but Bush's tax cuts aren't much different.  Again, the little guy pays the way for the big guy, so as long as us little guys don't mind sacrificing our jobs, retirement and family's future, America might someday be back on top.   Keep giving, middle and lower class America!   (06/12/2004 LM/OH)


The press has undermined US efforts in the Middle East, all for the sake of being the first with a story.   What's your opinion?



Does the press have an agenda against our President? email us!


Bush and Kerry, are they the best America has to offer?  No wonder the rest of the world has no respect for us.  05/24/2004


Automobiles, Boats, Energy, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare seem to be the only things that aren't following our spiraling down economy.  Why is that?  ML/MS (03/20/2004)


Polls, surveys and sociologist seem to be as far off as stock brokers,  attorneys and our President talking about WMDs.  So why do we listed to any of them?  Who really knows what's going on, just Dr. Phil?   PT/MI (03/20/2004)


Have you ever purchased a cell phone?  What a rip off!  Here's my complaint against, and Sprint! (03/15/2004)


If you want to do something about SPAM and you're not a huge company, conglomerate or government agency, try emailing the SPAMMERS like this:, and, also include their respective hosting company which may be found at  This really works!  Again, just ad 'info', 'support' and 'webmaster' in front of the domain names.  Also remember to add 'remove' to the subject line.  Hosting companies don't like SPAMMERS any more then we do, however SPAMMERS pay big bucks for added bandwidth and emails, so remember to complain directly to the offenders hosting companies.


"MTV needs to cool it when it comes to racial overtones, sex and bad language TV.  Comedians for years have used curse words whenever they can't think of anything original or funny to say.  Same with sex, obviously people will watch if they have a chance, so why push it on programs that are geared for kids?"  ST/MI 03/11/2004)


Donald Trump's show "The Apprentice" is doing much better then Donald's personal finances.  But then again, Trump is no financial wizard, he's a realtor and salesman.  What does surprise me is that banks line up just to bail him out without costing Trump any real cash.  After all, it's not like Trumps ever going to be able to pay all that money back.  You simply can't pay off a loan by borrowing more then you make.  It's almost like helping this guy!  But then again, Trump's real secret weapon is TV.  Without TV,  Trump would be just another person like you and I, in debt up to our eyeballs!  If you or I owned these same investments with the same financials, we'd be out in the streets of Harlem, not in some big high-rise with our name plastered all over the New York.  This reminds me of the last time I tried to borrow millions more then I made, ya right!  Full story regarding Trump's financial position.  In all honesty, I think Donald Trump is a great salesperson, after all, for what he had to work with and what little money he really had, he couldn't get to where he's at if he wasn't one of the best.


"Howard Stern has been dropped from a chain of national radio stations.  Great!" LL/MI (02/26/2004)


"Where is Hilary Clinton?"  RS (02/25/2004)


Why was Janet Jackson not allowed to perform at the Grammies but Justin Timerlake was? (02/15/2004)


"I was listening to my favorite radio station (NPR) tonight as they talked about Child protection legislation in Cambodia and the responsibilities of being a good news reporter.  I was shocked to hear the NPR announcer suggest he felt that his job and duties as a reporter came before getting actively involved in helping someone in need.  After all, he was sent out to do a job, he said.  If I didn't love the radio station so much, I'd tune him and NPR out forever.  News reporters, Judges, attorneys, insurance salesman and many Ministers are like car salesman, they only think of what they're needs are and what they're hired to do, no ethics, compassion, sympathy or even care for life and death, unless it comes to saving their own worthless ass.  It's funny how a news reporter can be hired to report on a story and be near sighted at the same time."  NN/NY (02/05/2004)


"So is congress going to do anything about SPAM or not?  I have been receiving over 400 emails a day from companies I've never bee to or heard of.  I've repeatedly asked them to stop, I've tried the "remove" thing, but most of my 'reply' emails come back to me as rejected, "no such recipient.  What can I do?" LC/IN (02/05/2004)


Hilary Clinton, out of grace?


Remember her?


"Ok, Hilary Clinton made a mistake, not just about Gandhi and the gas station, but the joke wasn't that funny.  On the other side of it, Hilary has done a lot of good for people of all color, race, religion and belief.  This only makes her human."  MT/MI (01/08/2004)


"Hilary Clinton should forget the politics and run for President!  No pun intended.  Hilary obviously is smarter then our past presidents, including Bill and can even out-sweat-talk the best of them, again, including Bill.  The best part about Hilary is she knows the issues and has some genuine compassion, are you listening Howard Dean?"  (01/02/2004)


"Hinckley now 48, has lived at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in Washington since 1982.  Hinckley was acquitted by reason of insanity in the shootings of President Reagan, presidential press secretary James Brady and 2 law enforcement officers. Reagan was nearly killed and Brady was permanently physically disabled.  Now U.S. Attorney Roscoe C. Howard Jr. has agreed with Hinckley's lawyer, Barry W. Levine in that his client was entitled under the law to receive unsupervised visits, and the judge's conditions should alleviate any concerns about public safety.  I say, let Hinckley live next to the judge and lawyer for a couple of years, if everything works out ok then let him go.  Besides, we could also stop spending the tax payer's money on the security issues." MM/Detroit (12/18/2003)


"I just received a notice one of my losing stocks companies is being sued for giving faults information.  The part I don't understand is, it's a civil suite but they tell me I'm not entitled to anything?  So who gets the money if they win, the lawyer?"  (12/18/2003)

Stock market still ripping the little guy off!  12/10/2003
dru sjodin Dru Sjodin

Please don't forget about the victims of molesters, rapist and kidnappings.


"America, wake up!  Let's build bigger, faster, better, cheaper, it's that simple!"  SS/SC (12/08/2003)


Larry King turns 70, congratulations to Larry and family! Seems like a nice guy, so why weren't we invited?  (11/29/2003)


Racism still alive in the US?


Africa leads the nations in Internet Email Fraud and email SCAMS, watch out!  Fifteen email SCAMs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Aved International (06/08/2004) MicrosoftClaim04 not really Microsoft


 (06/11/2004) (07/15/2004)


"Tony Blair reaches stress point, but who wouldn't under Parliamentary  pressures?"  (10/10/2003)


How did the stock market treat you in 2003?  I thought my tech stocks were all but gone, then I found out I made 600% on one of my tech stocks (NENG!)   BM/Illinois


Is it fair for President Bush to raise  $200,000,000.00 from campaign contributions while using the Presidential airliner, security and more?  It wasn't when Clinton was President!


Is it fair that board members make the same about of money each year while the blue collar worker receive a pink slip?


New York Stock Exchange pays 1 million salary, plus $140,000,000.00 deferred bonus!  Is this justifiable with so many Americans out of work and struggling just to stay a float and what about the millions of hard working Americans that lost their entire saving in this same stock market?


TV and radio ads volume increases over standard program volume.  Are you annoyed?  Yes 78%, Didn't notice 9%


Did President Bush lie about WMD? 68% voted "no"


Sammy Sosa  Bench him 69%


If you live in the US, you should be practicing Spanish, you'll be needing it to communicate in 2010!  59% agree


Bill Gates, what has he done for you lately?  But first, let's view his home!


Racism, where do you stand?  Somewhat racist 51%


Racism gone wild in my mind.  Help!


Is God in your school?


School dress policies. AA/AOL (02/01/2004)


Democratic / Republic filibustering, is it good for the country?


Would you choose a candidate simply because you like the way they act on TV?

More Business Issues

Submit your view!

Samsung SCD107 Mini DV, nice camera, terrible support and poor CD-ROM/DVD recording software.  I never did get either of my Samsung video cameras to download to my computer.  Does anybody know where I could get software for this thing?  I wished I would have purchased a Sony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Microsoft's never ready for end users software.

----- Cingular Wireless customer service complaint


IOGear Bluetooth to USB GBU301 is impossible to work with.  IOGear has absolutely no tech support including email address or a phone number.  IOGear Bluetooth also works, at best up to 50 feet.  I personally  hate IOGear!  AM/IL (08/26/2004)


Beware: home page ads fake virus warnings in order to con you in to purchasing their clients software!


Warning AOL for PDA installation software may contain MyDoom and other fatal viruses.


AverMedia EZ DVD Maker and Movie Maker earns a 1 out of 10 according to one of our viewers.  Video output was missing every other scan line, technical support was the worst rated, in fact, the customer never received support and product features were almost nonexistent.  08/04/2004


2002-2005 Chrysler's Jeep Wrangler keeps the same look, terrible fuel economy (12mpg average), rough ride, almost uncontrollable highway drivability and sagging doors issues.  Want a Jeep, buy an old one, you'll be much happier and you'll save a bunch. 08/04/2004


Microsoft Windows XP, better, faster and more user friendly?  Nop, and don't even try to support your existing digital camera, scanner or printer, because Microsoft and the accessory manufacture haven't bothered to support much that didn't already state they were XP compatible.  Just like every other Microsoft product, you'll have to buy new accessories to run with the new OS or it just won't work.  08/02/2004

----- is suppose to protect Internet users from intrusive Internet software and unwanted SPAM.  In reality they do nearly nothing!  I've had a couple of issues where I was told to contact, ICANN didn't even follow-up!


SPAM that changes your desktop icons, homepage and tracks you!  They won't stop!


eAnthology, they say Spyware and Adware, we say JUNK!  Remove eAnthology (01/04/2004)


Illegal aliens and the US  What's your view?


Nuclear proliferation, what should the US do?


Will there be an end to war?


What do Arab Nations think of the US?


What's the real problems between the US,  and France, Germany and Russia?


Business Issues        Submit you view!

Re. State of Michigan Tax Division.  "I'm a small businessperson located in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and been in business since 1996, both the Michigan State Tax Division and Michigan State Collections Division have been mailing me overdue tax notices and computerized assessments for most of the 8 years I've been in business.  The State of Michigan has even placed a lien on everything I own stating that I haven't paid Michigan State monthly and annual tax returns.  I've not only shown both proof of payment, in full, but mailed and faxed copies of both the front and backs of each check, including copies of the certified mail delivery,  and provided monthly as well as annual tax copies over 20 times for each month in question.  Yet nothing ever seems to get changed except the representatives in the Michigan State Collections Division and then we start all over again.  Why can't the State of Michigan simply allow me to speak with one specific tax assessor or spokesperson and get this over?  Each time I call or mail, the person on the other end of the line tells me I need to resend everything that I've already sent numerous time in the past.  Isn't there anything I can do to resolve this and don't I have any rights? (06/15/2004)  Still going on (09/21/2005)...


President Bush's tax refund didn't do anything for me or my business, in fact, I've never heard anyone talk about receiving it.  Who was eligible and how many people received them and why?  (06/14/2004)


Outsourcing is killing  middle class Americans.  Yes, a global economy is great as long as you're not living in America.  The big guys are totally in favor of outsourcing because their the ones making the  money on lower payrolls and little or no benefits for their own employees.  America is the only country in the world that is not standing up its workers best interests!  Even President Bush is supporting outsourcing, buying abroad, freer trade and more aid to foreign countries in favor of cheaper toasters and appliances for those Americans who are lucky enough to have a job.  I guess working at McDonalds is the only safe job in America.  (06/03/2004)


I don't get it, millionaires are suing their stock brokers for ill advise they received during the past 3 years.  Who's representing the little guy?  Here again, money talks and the little guy pays the way for the big guys to do as they please and walk away with all the money.  12/2003


What's the Pros and Cons of your online purchasing experience?  72% favorable.  Finding what you're looking for online? Only 28% do.


What percent of purchases do you make online?


Rate your purchase considerations: sales price 92%, support 69%, return policies 51%, knowledgeable sales staff 73% and advertising practices 82%.


SPAM, what can we do about it?


Where did the US automobile fuel economy go?


Mahmoud Yehia Elisherif case number D99-1332 originally from Egypt, having lived in Kalamazoo Michigan and later picked up by the FBI for kidnapping in Miami, Florida is wanted back in Michigan for owing $774,000.00 to an ex-employer.  This amount  stems from an embezzlement charge which Mahmoud Yehia Elisherif pled guilty to but never completed full restitution.  If you know the whereabouts to Mahmoud Yehia Elisherif, please contact us at ( or call 269-345-6600)  There may be a reward for Mahmoud Yehia Elisherif  return to Michigan,  prosecution and/or collection of debt owed.



FBI's most wanted terrorist



Fight SPAM, add offenders



Stop telephone solicitation


How to cancel AOL, call 1-888-265-8008, fax 1-801-622-7969, or mail P.O. Box 1600, Ogden, UT 84402-9926

How to cancel Microsoft Network (MSN), call 1-800-400-1447


How to cancel Prodigy, call 1-800-213-0992


How to cancel CompuServe, call 1-800-848-8990


How to cancel AT&T's WorldNet, call 1-800-400-1447


I watched President Bush on TV this morning, he really is a nice guy, he's simply  out of touch with middle class America! 12/21/2004

Allen Greenspan wakeup!   Contrary to public opinion, raising interest rates adds to inflation and slows economic growth! (12/16/2004)

Donald Rumsfeld wake up!  It's obvious you don't have any family members in Iraq or all of our military would have the best armor protection available. (12/2004)

President Bush, wake up, send more troops to Iraq or get out! (10/2004)


Next time our government wants to go abroad for war, let them send their own children first!

AOL, wake up!  How in the hell do I get off of AOL? (11/27/2004)


National health should be available for everyone, not just the President, Senate and House of representatives!

Circuit City, wake up!  Circuit City owes me over $400.00 in rebates for almost 3 years, they just keep giving me the runaround. (12/2004)
Etrade, wake up!  Your losing your customers!  Etrade has been deducting inactivity fees for months without notifying me.  Is this legal? (12/2004)

Join the Fight against SPAM!

Receiving to much SPAM?  Email the offender's address to  |  Best Free Online National and Local News Links  |  Free Online Directory Assistance  |  NewComputers.NET  |  Live Online Internet help!  |  |  FireOut.US


Order of issues: Issues and feedback are arranged by date (newest to oldest received.)

Post an issue:  Enter the issue or topic you would like at the top of this page.  Post an issue

Posting appearance: Issues and comments are presented as received, no staff editing has been applied.

Comment on an issue: Click 'Comment on this issue' located in the top right of each page.

Voting on an issue: Click 'Vote on this issue' located in the top right of each page.

Move to the top


Issue: Example: Did you know FedEx takes no responsibility collecting C.O.D. charges? 10/2008

As capitalism grows in the underdeveloped countries so do scams

If you've been offered large amounts of money with little work or risk involved, it's probably a scam! Click 'Scams' below.

Let us know your personal scam experience:

December 2007  Instant fix for the US economy

1.) It's easy, stop handing out money to those that have proven they don't know what to do with it. 

2.) No new taxation, which can only cripple the already ailing economy. Besides, most State and government offices have already proven they don't know what a budget is for.

3.) No more bailouts of American financial institutions or American auto manufactures that haven't a clue as to how they got in the mess their in.


5.) Tell the American people to get their shit together, take pride in their work, be on time, work late, get the job done right and quit complaining! After all, if things are made better, people will buy them, right GM, Ford and Chrysler? Well, between those three no ones listening anyways.

6.) Train government employees how to do their job before you release them on the people and make sure they can communicate in English! You might even teach them how to listen and take notes so when you end the conversation they actually will have something to look back on, especially since most of them don't seem to have a clue.

7. Stop listening to Ben Bernanke.

8. No more hiring incompetent people in government related positions. After all, why should I be placed on hold for an hour only to eventually speak with someone that didn't finish high school, and yet their controlling my life, future and welfare?

9. Don't allow any more government stimulus packages, especially if you're going to turn around an tell everyonje not to use if for their debt. What are you trying to teach people? If you really want to help out, create long term jobs with regular paychecks, health insurance and retirement. Let's take pride in what we do and get paid for it, I don't want a hand out, I just want a good job!

10. One of the most simple reason to get people employed is when you pay a person, their taxed, when they buy things the government collects more tax, when the people that got paid receive income, the government again receives taxes. Get the picture? Nearly 99% of every dollar paid to a person is collected in taxes during the next 12 months.

11. Print all the money we need, after all, China does.

Accused asked to be remove

Our representative at VoxxTech was Scott Spencer, USA, CA, Voxxtech, whom had an extremely abrasive personality, he kept making all kinds of faults and negative accusation regarding the reasons why we were requesting a quote from his company.  Needless to say, we'll never do business with VoxxTech again. 

AAT Technology, Edward Lund, USA: 6020 PARKWAY NORTH DRIVE, ST. 100, CUMMING, GA 30040

Edward Lund told us they have the parts, but couldn't send photos, we first caught them lying about the physical dimensions of the panels, 2 weeks later they called insisting we immediately pay them because they were going to secure the panels, but when questioned, they admitted they didn't have a clue as to where they might get the panels.   This was a $38,000.00 sale that we probably will lose because we relied on AAT Technology.


It's not just cheap, it's counterfeit! 02/2008

If you think everything is made in Asia, you might be surprized to find out much of what they make is counterfeit!

A complaint has been filed against the following company having been accused of selling counterfeit parts:

Norton Electronics Technology CO.,LIMITED 

Address:Rm16W .DuHui 100,.B Blog,Futian ,ShenZhen.China 518031

*************************************************************************************************** Tel: +86-0755-83957712 0755-61636263 Fax: +86-0755-83957713 msn :




1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." 

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity." 

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people." 

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Jose f G oebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their order to create this common ground." 

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed." 

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched." 

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

05/23/2007 It's a shame that we (US) have a President like George Bush, while he seems to have great communication skills when talking with the general public, he has little or none when he talks with the rest of the world. His advisors project him as the "know-it-all, answer-it-all, my-way" President. Personally he comes across as a genuinely nice guy with a major ego problem. Last week I was invited to meet with President Bush held somewhere in Michigan, my immediate replay was "no thanks." When I look back at my response; it's a shame I felt/feel this way about my own President. President Bush seems to really care about others no matter what country they live in, however his persistence coupled with in ability to be flexible cause more problems then if he and his cronies would just keep quiet and let other countries take over the actual communication end of things.

05/15/2007 Exxon-Mobile boycott, might work! It has been suggested that if the general public were to participate in a boycott of all Exxon-Mobile supplied gas stations it would have little or no effect on the price of gas. I fail to understand how a significant decrease in their sales volume would fail to get their attention. The public would need to know all the names under which their product is sold. I would willing play my part in such an action, would you? Someone should provide a state by state list of all retail points of sale for gasoline produced by Exxon-Mobile.


1.) President Bush and Congress is out of touch with the world today.
2.) Congress no longer represents middle class America viewpoints.
3.) TV news station no longer report the news, each has an agenda, and their agenda is to make you think and support those that support their interest.
4.) TV program concentrate on abnormal life in America which bends our personal viewpoint into thinking these abnormalities are normal and acceptable in America.
5.) Middle class people pay the bulk of our taxes, bare the burden of sending their children off to foreign wars, do all of what's left of labor in America, while the upper classes control who's in office and what the future of the middle class will be.
6.) Contributions from special interest groups, large corporations and the upper-class/wealthiest of Americans illuminate the need for anyone in power to attend to the average American's needs.
7.) Every President, congressman, executive in America has healthcare, why don't you?



- Higher and higher fuel prices and record refinery profits -

It doesn't take a genius to know who's at fault when you see fuel prices going higher and higher and refinery profits at record highs.
Contact BP and let them know what you think:, or call 1.800.333.3991.


Two US Federal agents (Ramos and Compean) have been sentenced to prison after attempting to stop and arrest a known drug smuggler possessing over $1,000,000.00 worth of drugs. The agents goes to prison, while the drug smuggler goes free!
What's your feedback?




Public Issue past headings:

I have a job for life, thanks to Microsoft, AOL, Epson, HP, Compaq, Dell, Lenovo etc! These companies insure I will always be needed, each time Microsoft release software, there's new bugs to fixed, compatibility issues etc, and with companies like AOL, Epson, HP/Compaq, and Dell charging their own customers to fix their own "not ready for resale" products, I'm covered there too. So thank you Microsoft, Dell, HP, Epson, Lenovo, NetGear and all you other technical companies that release their products before they're ready! Happy New Year from one happy tech!



Should John Bolton become US ambassador to the UN?  89% No, 11% Yes 04/13/2005


Irresponsible reporting may be killing Iraq and us, is it really necessary to mention the terrorist organization responsible for each terrorist act?



It's sad that it takes a natural disaster to make much of the world unite.  Only Ideology and religion could keep us apart. (01/12/2005)




Thank God the elections are over!

Does this mean the American people are happy with the way things are going, 

or does this mean there just wasn't a clear alternative?  What do you think? 



5 quick fixes that will work for America

1. Improve Iraq's economy, then get out.

2. Place tariffs on all non-American goods, products & services.  Free trade is NOT good or fair for American workers!

3. Improve racial relation within America.

4. Provide better care, housing, neighborhoods, education and healthcare within America before spending billion abroad.

5. Buy American and support your community!

If I could have a 6th suggestion it would be; Hillary Clinton for President.



"Unanimously adopting a U.N. resolution backing Iraqi sovereignty and giving the new leaders clout over a U.S.-led force" is a major setback for both the U.S. and Iraq.


McDonalds may be the only safe job left in America.


Middle class America needs to keep giving!


National security, education, healthcare, jobs, gas prices or the deficit,

What's more important?



Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr threatened to unleash suicide bombers on Friday!  Don't any of the Middle East leader value their followers lives, or just their own?   


Who should be our next President?

Bush, Kerry, Nader or none of the above? 03/2004


Greenspan wants to cut your social security!

Is this ok with you? (02/25/2004)



Sport, movie stars and MTV are educating the youths of today and the irresponsible, self-centered, free sex thinking, agnostic adults of tomorrow.  What's our future look like to you?  Better yet, what have you done to help create a better future for tomorrow? (02/15/2004)


Cuts in education, first to go:  Library hours and availability,  arts and low draw activities.  Is this fiscal prudence or school board greed?


Internet Scams to watch out for in 2004!  Click here!

"Democrats are narrowing the field, but still don't have a real Presidential Potential!" JK/FL (04/05/2004)

Dru Sjodin, 22 years old of Grand Forks, N.D. still missing!


"Profits 300%, U.S. Jobs ZERO!  Corporations moving out of the U.S. are sacrificing U.S. economy, jobs and security for profit.  Is this the type of company you really want to buy from?  If so, let's hope your job is  next!" JT/MI (02/06/2004)


Terrorist threat, turned down a notch for January 2004, but keep your eyes open.


Companies we love to hate for 2004!

Pop-ups that won't stop!  Business and software to avoid:,,,,, &!


Saddam, tribunal? What if his peers find him innocent? (12/18/2003)


Terrorist threat is high this holiday. (12/22/2003)

Earthquake in California!  Is it time to move? (12/22/2003)

Saddam, tribunal? What if his peers find him innocent, then what? (12/18/2003)

Grand Forks, N.D. Dru Sjodin, 22 still missing!


 Debt, Mortgage, Viagra, Enlargers, Canadian Drugs without a prescription and Mini remote controlled vehicles, SCAM & low interest rates.  December or 2003!


December Spammers, most are the same as in November, can anybody stop them? <-- a SPAMMer that won't stop taking over your home page!  Hosted by Tucows.


November 2003 SPAMMERS

Debt, Mortgage, Viagra, Enlargers, Canadian Drugs without a prescription, & Natural Rejuvenator ( (SPAM King for November 2003)


Terrorist threat is high this holiday. (12/28/2003)


Earthquake in California!


Saddam, tribunal? What if his peers find him innocent, then what? (12/18/2003)


Grand Forks, N.D. Dru Sjodin, 22 still missing!


Saddam, tribunal? What if his peers find him innocent, then what? (12/18/2003)


Saddam caught like a rat! 12/13/2003


Schwarzenegger Wins!  Full story


Hilary Clinton for President in 2004!


Your opinion counts!  Speak out!  What's going on in the world?  Does anybody care?  Does anyone care?  Does anyone really care?  Where can I post and issue?  What part of no don't you understand?  What's today's issues?  What the news for today?  Online news, online issues, you online!  Where can I post a problem I had with a company? Public Issues?  Post a public issue!  Answer line!  Issues in the news!  Issues online!  Online issues!  I have a problem!  Better business bureau!  Public is a place you can post your problems and expect public feedback.  Issues of the day!  Online Issues of  the day!  Issues I want to resolve.  Resolve issues with corporate America!  Does anybody care?  Where can I go for help?  Stop the SPAM!  I can't take it any more!  Help with an issue.  I need help with an issue!


The following companies send SPAM:  

Rumsfeld is a hawk!  "You can tell Rumsfeld  doesn't have any family in the military."  He's a mean old man with a mission! 10/01/2006